Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sometimes you just need a laugh

Today was definitely one of those days. Anthony was at his B-pa's after school today and when I went to pick him up. Here’s how the conversation went:

Anthony: (Waving a green square pouch at me) Mom, what’s this? *snicker*
Me: Where did you get that? Were you digging in the cabinets?
Anthony: Yes
Me: Did you ask B-pa?
Anthony: Yes (long pause)
Me: Did B-pa tell you to ask me?
Anthony: *Giggle, giggle, giggle* Yep!
Me: Great! *sarcastic eye roll*
Anthony: So, what is it?
Me: Just go get in the car.
Anthony: Tell me!
Me: Just go get in the car and I’ll tell you.
Anthony: Ok *runs to the car*
Me: (to B-pa) Thanks for setting me up!
B-pa: *Snicker*

*Door slam*
Anthony: Ok, Mom, we’re officially in the car, what was that thing? *Snicker*
Me: Humm, well, ok... (Seriously? This conversation, today?!?) That’s a maxi pad, it’s a pad that women put in their underwear during their monthly period.
Anthony: Period? Why?
Me: Once a month, women and some girls your age and up, go thru a period. It’s when the lining of their uterus sheds off and exits thru their vagina (I'm all for the clinical explinations) The pads help collect the lining and small amounts of blood that come with it and stop it from getting on our panties or pants.
Anthony: *Snicker* It’d be funny if it didn’t catch it!
Me: *Angry scowl* Why is that funny?
Anthony: Because there’d be a big red stain! *Snicker*
Me: NOT Funny! You have to be mature about this, how would you feel if you walked around with a big red stain on the crotch of your pants because of something you can't control?!? HUH! (*Biting cheek to avoid laughing from the ridiculous threat that just crossed my lips*)
Anthony: Ok. *dejected frown*
Me: The monthly period is what signifies a woman’s beginning ability to have a baby, the uterus remember is where the baby stays while inside the mom. So every month, the uterus grows soft and cushy so that if the woman gets pregnant the egg has a soft spot to grow. If the egg does not grow (side-step the whole fertalization conversation) then the lining and the egg shed out making room for next month.
Anthony: Mom, the bikes at school were different because they had gears, my mongoose doesn’t have gears. Thats why I had a hard time riding them.
Me: Huh? What the heck batman? I was just talking about uteruses and you switch to bikes?
Anthony: Yea, I’m done with that conversation.
Me: Oh, ok (Boys!) *eye roll*

I guess it was a day for that type of thing. Apparently, B-pa and Anthony were watching Mythbusters this afternoon, as they usually do, but today’s episode was “Son of a Gun. Can a bullet shot thru a civil war solders groin impregnate a woman near by?” I guess they played around with what was actually the needed “material” on the bullet to impregnate the innocent bystander woman. B-pa said that he was just waiting for the questions. Fortunately, Anthony is an introspective boy and instead of asking B-pa he will think about it for a few weeks and next time we’re having a conversations about bikes, he’ll interrupt with: “Mom? What’s Sperm?”

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