Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What I want....

I want my kids to feel better.

I want to do mega coupon shopping for my sister-in-law.

I want to make a crock pot of pork hominy soup for my husbands work.

I want to make a crock pot of chicken soup for my boss.

I want to rent a suite for a long weekend at Hacienda Del Sol for my mom and step-dad to get away.

I want to take my best friend out for martini’s, mani’s and pedi’s.

I want to go to Phoenix and take my other best friend for a margarita and a massage.

I want to take my kids somewhere fun for Rodeo Vacation.

I want to take my husband to Vegas for his birthday.

I want to fix what’s broken; I want my worrying about it to accomplish something.

I want world peace.

Too much to ask?

1 comment:

  1. Of course its not too much to ask....I have a few more to add! Your always trying to make everyone else happy and I love you for that! You are truly one of the most awesome and caring individual I have ever met and I am priveleged to be your friend!! I luv u man!!!!
