Monday, February 21, 2011

Tornado aftermath

I hate those damn weekend tornados! Why do they always hit my house? Why can't I have one of those picture perfect weekend houses? You know the ones where the family cuddles together to watch movies, plays games, eats good food and NOTHING gets dirty? Please?
I am on clean up duty this AM, hopefully I can get it done quickly. I have a few great recipes to post as well as my meal ideas for the week. That's if I don't get too obsessive with cleaning up. Don't believe me that it's bad? How's this:

Ugly huh! I swear, not only was it clean on Friday evening, but my hubby even cleaned for me on Sunday afternoon while I was at the grocery store. This house can go to hell in a handbag in just under 4 hours. (Good thing I'm shameless or these pictures would really embarrass me! I'm an equal opportunity sharer, it's not all schedules, routines and roses here, trust me!)

I'll be back...wish me luck!

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