Thursday, February 3, 2011

Frozen Desert

Here in my desert oasis, the pipes have frozen! In the almost 7 years in this house we have NEVER had this problem and I can't remember it ever happing in my adult life. Do you know what a house full of 5 mouths worth of morning breath, no showers and no coffee smells like? It’s not pretty, let me tell you! It's almost worth opening the door just to air it out.
My ever resourceful husband came up with this solution so he didn't feel bad leaving me all day with no water. Do you see it? The hair dryer?

Again, for the smell imagery, add in toilets that won’t flush all day. Gagging yet?
There was no way I was enduring this morning with out coffee, so I came up with my own solution:

Smart right? Desperation makes for good imagination! I can have coffee and use what’s left to brush teeth. Yes, in that order. I know my priorities! We once considered moving to South Dakota for my husband’s at-the-time-job. I don't think I would have survived. Tucson's current 32 degrees is shorts and tee shirt weather to Dakotians. I know, there are all types of ways to prevent pipes freezing and ways to be prepared if they do but seriously, I can't be that organized with out coffee and you can't have coffee in sub zero weather without being prepared and organized. I can't be that organized and prepared with out coffee......get it, it’s the whole "chicken and the egg" thing. Nope, not for me, thank you very much.

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