Friday, February 18, 2011


Thank Goodness It's Friday NIGHT!

Oh Friday, how I love thee. I whiped it together this afternoon and smoothed out my entire house. I have candles lit, house clean, beds turned and waiting for us and 1/2 asleep kids. Time for a glass of sangria and some snuggle time with my hubby.

This weekend is pretty light. Bountiful Basket pick up, grocery shopping, maybe a pedicure and a science fair project to finish. I think we have a few movies on cue that we're going to watch. Anthony has just shown some interest in the original Star Trek's so Brad's anxious to sit and watch them with him.

I am debating about cutting Hailey's hair. It's never been cut and is down to her mid back. It's so beautiful and she likes it long but it tangles so much and it's always a battle to brush it. Wet, dry, conditioner, no-more-tangle's spray, it doesn't matter. She said just today that she wants to cut it short like mine. Do I let her? Why does it make me sad to think of cutting it? I'm not sentimental like that, not at all, yet, I am finding myself oddly attached to her untouched long baby hair.

1 comment:

  1. Super cool Wine Glass! Where ever did you get it?? So are you ready for Pei Wei this week, the long awaited 2 year old infamous gift card.....lets hope it doesn't crack and crumble when they try and swipe it through their machine....LOL
