Sunday, January 9, 2011


Welcome to Mom's Inside Story.

My name is Jen and I am a mom to three children. My scientist, Anthony is 10 and my princesses Hailey and Makenna are 3.5 and 2. I am married to the self proclaimed "luckiest husband ever!" I am an old fashioned house wife at heart. Every day by 6 I try to have my house spotless, a homemade, healthy meal ready and my kids cleaned up and calm for Daddy to come home. Sickening isn't it? I blame my mom and can only hope one day my kids blame me!

This blog is to share my sickness with those unaffected and commiserate with those that suffer with me. I will share my weekly meal plan, coupon grocery trips, recipes and other domestic flairs that fit my fancy. I will also share my lazy days and the subsequent take out dinners, when I feel domestically challenged.

Thanks for stopping by! Come back often, leave comments and please feel free to share your triumphs, laughs and flops as 1950's housewives in a modern world.


  1. Its a funny thing when you talk to your best friend everyday about life! The ups and downs, ins and outs, and everything there in between. Yet I am still excitedly waiting to read about your ventures here! You have an amazing talent and Im glad you decided to share it!! You rock a fellow I still "cool" enough to say that????

  2. I love the design & humor. But, I really owe you an apology for role modeling the craziness to you....."house spotless, a homemade, healthy meal ready and my kids cleaned up and calm for Daddy to come home". For my Grandbabies sake, stop the madness now or 20 years from now they will also think this is "normal".
