Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Today coalesced into a beautiful event. EVERY room of my house is clean!! I woke up with full intention of sewing and taking it a bit relaxed today but strangely found myself very motivated. I dusted, did windows, hand scrubbed floors and even got the girls room and closet completely clean and organized. The room was thanks in part to my beautiful niece who gave up her movie time because she wanted to help me. How cool is that!
I could actually bore you with before and after pictures of each of the rooms in my house but I'll spare you and just leave tonights post short as I am going to just sit in my now quiet (it's past bed time here) and perfectly clean house! Tomorrow I'm planning out my next big baking day and skimming the grocery adds for this weeks deals. I'll be posting both.

*who's taking bets on how long it takes for it to look like a tornado touched down again? I say give it 21 hours. I'll be scrambling to clean up tomorrow night before I have dinner guests over. Someone remind me again why I even bother to clean?


  1. Isn't it because you love it soooo!

  2. I found the weekly meal plan! Score, lets see, Thursday and Saturday sound good to me.....LOL
