Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I am womanly hear me roar!

I sat down today, once again, to embroider, and once again, I was foiled. My embroidering machine was fixed yesterday on a rush order but they forgot to include my power cord when I picked it up. Of course I didn’t discover that until today when I opened it up. Oh well.

Instead, I spent the day in the garage, in 110 degree heat, sawing and sanding the wood crafting project I’ve been thinking about. I spent almost the entire day outside using power tools. (Does anyone else hear Tim Taylor doing that ridiculous grunt when you say power tools? No, oh well, just me then.) I still have a bit of sanding to do tomorrow but overall I’m really happy with the result so far. Want to see? I’ll give you a sneak preview of what I’m working on but that’s it.

They’re going to be place mats or serving trays. I know it looks kind of plain right now but I think they’ll be pretty snazzy when I’m done. I’m making a set of 6.

I think once I get this set done for my crew, I’m going to make another set to give away here on the blog. What do you think? Anyone interested in a good ‘ol give away?

On a totally girly side note, I’ve wanted to try the new shellac manicures. They are supposed to last about 14 days. I love manicured nails, especially French tip manicures but acrylics aren’t practical for me and a regular manicure usually starts chipping off after just a day or two. I finally a chance to try the shellac when I was treated to a manicure and pedicure last Friday. (Yea!) The verdict? They have totally held up! I have been doing my normal cleaning; dishes, floors, toilets, picking kids noses and even worked today with power tools (queue Tool Man’s grunting) and sand paper. See:

Still perfect. The cost was about $10 more than a regular manicure and $10 less than acrylics. Manicures and Pedicures are not something I get often but I think I’ll stick with the shellac manicure next time.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oops! The laundry doesn't fall far from the tree

I posted yesterday about how last week I was spoiled by our visitor. She knows how much I absolutely hate laundry. So, while she was here she made it her mission to help out. She did one, if not two (I think even 3 one day) loads of laundry each day. I mean complete loads, washer, dryer, fold, hang AND put away. Unfortunately, she quickly realized that my laundry is self replicating. Once you close the laundry room door, the laundry does the nasty and multiplies. (I actually have proof of this phenomenon! My laundry is Dirty!)
Anyways, my wonderful house guest is now gone and I’m left with the ever mounting (pun intended) pile of laundry. To demonstrate the non-dirty side of the replicating process, I started taking pictures yesterday of my biggest laundry culprits. My girls change their clothes so many times a day and have so many clothes to fuel their changes that I’m convinced ½ my laundry is little girl dresses alone.



Three, Four
 Five and Six

See, that’s just yesterday, and does not include the dresses they were wearing as I took the pictures or the jammies they put on after bath. So, that’s a total of: 10 pieces of clothing. See, that’s almost a whole load of laundry in its self!

However, here’s where the ‘oops’ comes into play. As I was wondering around the house with my camera, capturing the discarded clothing, I came upon this pile:

Here’s what it looks like untangled:
2 dresses, jeans and a shirt. Guess who’s they are?
Yea: Oops!
Their mine and it doesn’t include the jammie tank top set I was wearing at the time. The worst part? It was all from the same day. I woke up and put on the blue long dress, by mid day I took a shower and put on the short black one. After nap I had to go out (to get my sewing machine fixed) so I put on the jeans and t-shirt. When I got home it was blistering hot so I put on the tank top and shorts jammie set. So, that’s a total of 6 clothing items for me alone not including underclothing.

I wonder where my girls picked up the habit of changing clothes so often?


I bet if I asked them, they have a perfectly logical reason for each outfit change. Don’t we women always have a reason?

I really thought I cleaned out our laundry a lot getting ready for the yard sale but it still feels like clothing is taking over our house. How do you keep on track with laundry? Do you have a routine for laundry that keeps you on top (no pun intended this time) of the laundry?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Welcome back!

Welcome back to Moms Inside Story! My week break was nice, thanks for sticking it out with me. I intended the week to be contemplative and introspective regarding the direction of this blog but in the end, I just relaxed and enjoyed my week. I was even treated to a laundry helper and a manicure and pedicure. I will say, I think the help with the laundry was almost more indulgent than the mani/pedi.

The only real conclusion I came to this week is this: This blog is my space. My space to share ideas, laugh at myself and document my life. As it grows I’m more and more aware of the impact published words can have and promise, to those that I’ve offended, to be more careful with my words. In case it hasn’t been painfully aware, I use this space to put a theatrical spin on my life and try to just have fun with it. I’m serious from time to time, but overall I want this to be a fun place with retellings that make us laugh, ideas that inspire and stories that capture memories.

I know that at my core I am a 1950’s housewife. I want everything to be perfect, I want my husband to come home every night to a clean house, homemade dinner and happy well adjusted kids. I want to bake, cook, sew and create new projects. I want to play with my kids, teach them new things, explore the world and learn together. I want to have a welcoming home full of pictures, laughter and organized chaos. I want to accomplish all of that every day and still greet him at the door in a pretty dress, drink in hand and a happy attitude.

On the outside though, that doesn’t always happen.

This blog is my space to share my attempts at perfect, change my definition of perfect and in the end, create my own perfect.

This week I have several projects on deck.

I have 80 polo shirts to embroider with Brad’s work logo.

I have this beautiful box of organic mangos to make yummy treats with.

I am going to make some really cool place mats for my table. (Stay tuned for the tutorial - assuming they turn out!)

I am working on unifying the colors of all these photo frames and filling them with great memories. I am also going to transform the mirror in the backround and hang it up.

On top of all that is the ‘regular week’ stuff like laundry, dishes, floors, clutter clean up and cooking. My weekly meal plan is:

Monday: Cranberry Pork Roast

Tuesday: Spaghetti Sauce with meatballs and sausage

Wednesday: Beef Stir Fry

Thursday: Grilled Chicken Salad

Friday: Homemade Pizza

Upcoming in the next few weeks I want to make some pretty dresses for the girls for our vacation. I want to embroider some shirts for Anthony and I need to finish planning out our vacation. I have to make packing lists, food lists and just good ‘ol lists of lists.

On a side note, I finished my HCG diet. I now weigh 28 lbs lighter and feel great! I still have more I want to loose but I am going to try out a trial membership at a gym for the next few months and see how I do going at it the “old fashioned” way. Despite my ideas on good recipies for the HCG diet, I kind of just stuck to grilled chicken or beef and steemed veggies. That didn’t make for a very good recipe page so I’m taking that one down.

Check out Mom’s Inside Story over on Facebook for project updates, “get-to-know-you” questions, “out of context” quotes and other fun.

Monday, June 20, 2011


The yard sale this weekend was a success! We exceeded our goal and had no major hick-up's. Saturday we had swarms if people and Sunday the few that did stop by had large pocket books!lots of people commented on my signs: Magnificent Yard Sale - this way. Done on neon green poster board with large purple words. People were pulling up asking: "is this the magnificent yard sale?" a few even noticed my organized, pressed clothing and other details. I think my OCD helped make this yard sale so successful.

This week my step-mom is coming to visit. We're all looking forward to having her here. We plan on spending our week drinking Starbucks, swimming and planning out our lake house vacation at the end of next month.

I will be taking this week off from blogging. This blog has changed, grown and morphed so much in just a short 6 months. The growth has come with a slight change in direction and I want to take this week to contemplate the next 6 month of my blogging goal. I have learned so much thus far. I find a kind of therapy in blogging, but I have also offended some and lost some readers. So, I need to take a step back and reevaluate. If you've stuck with me from the beginning, hang in there, I promise I will be back. If you're newer to Moms Inside Story (maybe over from hold out for just a week, blogging is a new world to me and like anything new, a step back can help you gain a whole new perspective.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Urge to Purge

This yard sale is going to be the death of me. Want to see my OCD at its finest? Come to the yard sale.
Every room in my house has been purged and that’s only ¼ of the junk I have for the sale. We have so much stuff accumulated from other people every time I’ve said “I’m going to have a yard sale.” Yet, I never have. Want to know why I haven’t had a yard sale before?


I can’t just open up the doors and say have-at-it. I have to:
I’m stressing about matching table cloths to display on the tables. Tying associated items together with pretty hand tied bows. Matching every pot with its exact lid (and yes, there are over 20 pot’s and lids) and organizing the coffee mugs by season, theme and or color. Grouping the kids clothing by outfits, then size then season. Thoroughly cleaning every item by hand. (I think I’ve gone thru three lint brushes and a whole bottle of Windex thus far.) The stuffed animals have to be washed, the adult clothing pressed and hung it all on hangers. The price tags have to be perfect. I have a list of tags with how-to suggestions for items that look obscure. Don’t even get me started on the Yard Sale posters. My poor kids are even being dragged into it with a coffee and lemonade stand complete with big pink piggy bank for the money they earn.

See, OCD at it’s finest. I haven’t been sleeping at night because I’m either figuring out a new way to organize the sale items or coming up with a new creative use for something I ‘found’ in the garage. My house is a cluttered mass of projects right now from all the things I have rescued. I know once this yard sale is over I’m going to stress over cleaning and de-cluttering my house. Purging for the next yard sale.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekly meal plan and Brussel Sprout Hash recipie

This week I’ll be busy setting up for our mega yard sale. We’ve planned on doing a garage sale for over 2 years and never gotten to it. Needless to say, between our ‘regular’ accumulation of crud and the additional things left from Pappy’s home, our garage is packed to the roof! My job is to organize, clean and tag everything. I’ll post a before and after picture just to illuminate on the mess that it’s become. I’m hoping to make quite a bit of money, for a garage sale.

For our meals this week we’re ‘eating from the pantry.’ Meaning I am banned from the grocery store until Friday. Here’s the plan:

Monday – Breakfast: Eggs, brussel sprout hash, pancakes and fruit salad

Tuesday – Grilled (spinach bread) cheese sandwiches with tomato soup

Wednesday – Pad Thai Pork in the crock pot

Thursday – Roast Beef sandwiches with side salad and wedge potatoes

Friday – Green Chilli chicken, tortillas and beans

As for my HCG diet, I prefer not to really plan out my meals. Considering how restrictive the diet is already the thought of having every meal planned out with no spontaneity drives me crazy, so I eat what ever sounds good at the time. I usually cook up several chicken breasts, chicken patties, hard boiled eggs, lean ground beef and steak strips to keep in the fridge as my choices. I’ll admit, cooking tonight’s breakfast for dinner was rough. I LOVE the brussel sprout hash and it was everything in my power not to cheat and eat that for dinner. To combat my desire to cheat, I grilled some fresh chicken instead of the chilled, week old stuff in my fridge. I also made up a huge crown of broccoli and grilled onions. All in all it was a pretty good meal. Anthony even commented that he was envious of my grilled chicken. He still wouldn’t trade me though.

Brussel Sprout Hash

Yellow and/or red bell pepper
½ onion
½ lb fresh brussel sprouts

Usually my go to method for any kind of hash browns is frozen tater tots, they make them perfect every time! Today though, I didn’t have any so I shredded 10 small(ish) yellow potatoes that I got in my bountiful basket last week. The trick to hash browns (according to me – and this is my blog *wink*) is a good non stick skillet. I put the shredded potatoes on the hot pan with out any butter or other oil. This helps them dry out and not stick together in one big blob. Once they are starting to brown add 2 tbsp butter and continue to fry. Dice the peppers, onions and brussel sprouts then add to the potatoes. Keep frying, adding more butter if you desire, until golden brown and the veggies are tender.
Serve with a sunny side egg on top. Yum!


Staycation - a local vacation. A vacation where you don't go anywhere or anywhere far.

Our staycation has become a summer tradition. We go 10 miles down the road to stay at my childhood home while my Mom and Stepdad go out of town. Its a beautiful house with an oasis backyard. Grass, flowers in bloom everywhere you look and a crystal clear heated pool.

We spend most of our day unplugged from tv, computers, video games and cell phones. That in itself makes it a vacation in my opinion but add in lounging by the pool under the canopy of a huge misquete tree and I'm pretty relaxed. Plus, the kids swim so much they just pass out!

The other reason we stay at the house is to help take care of the yard and animals.

The big chickens:

The little chickens:
 The Dogs: (Bella with the cone of shame on and Carinna the little black bear)

 The turtle, Tuck

Plus we bring our dog Dasy and bunny, Mia. On top of the regular mommy dutys and house cleaning (I tried to convince Brad to hire a maid for our staycation but he pointed out that it kind of defeats the point of saving money) the dogs are fed weighted amounts twice a day, the big chickens get 'scratch' twice a day and their eggs need to be collected. The little chickens need their water bowls changed every few hours, their food bowls emptyed of stray wood chips and their roosting box tempature has to be maintained with in a range by turning on and off heat lamps, including over night. The turtle needs to be fed whenever she comes out. We have water the flowers; pick the tomatoes, apples, grapes, walnuts, peppers and watermelons. Ok, well, maybe not all at once but they're all in the yard and need to be tended to at some point. Plus, I have a total black thumb, hence the reason my back yard is dirt, so I have to pay special attention to not kill anything in their yard just by association. (This is a vacation?)

Aside from the lounging pool side and the exhausted happy kids, we look forward to our "parents are away" party where we pretend we're teenagers raiding our unsuspecting parents house. We party late into the night, raid the liquor cabinet and pantry. Except, our parents know and usually stock the house for us to host the party. Plus, this is Brad and me we're talking about, we have a handful of friends that aren't family anyways. Regardless, we always have a great time. It's usually an odd mix of friends, family and the occasional neighbor or new friend joining us. The kids usually have a friend or two over as well. We bbq, swim, drink, eat and watch an outdoor movie on the projector. A good time for all! Clean up the next morning and then packing up usually brings me right back to reality - mommy style! I was too busy having fun to take pictures so, sorry. That's the end. :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Post-Apocalyptic Sucker Fish

My intent for a post this morning was to show pictures and updates from our ‘Staycation’ but that will have to wait for tomorrow.
Today I’m going to blog about Post-Apocalyptic Sucker Fish. This was probably the absolute, hands down most bizarre, funniest conversation Brad and I have ever had. Period!

(Warning – this probably goes under the category of ‘oh my gosh is she really posting this on the internet? Let alone sharing it with everyone?’ Not the same as my last confessional, the whole, ‘I’m Fat’ blog…I’m over that on. This is an off the charts non 1950’s homemaker related blog that, in my opinion was too good not to share. Be warned!)

Ok, so this whole thing steamed from a dream I had during nap time yesterday. I remember my dreams in extreme detail, always have, and can usually recount them for days afterwards. This dream was no exception.

It started out with me, on earth, looking up to the skies to see alien ships overtaking the skyline. Obviously, this evoked fear in everyone. Panic ensued and somehow I ended up in a forest setting running for my life from floating egg shaped mini-space ships abducting various humans. I darted into the forest, under the canopy, swerving around trees, ducking under branches and avoiding various other hazards. Beside, in front and behind me were hundreds if not thousands of other people running as well. Screaming, whirling sounds of the space ships and the transporter sound from Star Trec were permeating the dense forest. Slowly the group I was running with was thinned out and the sounds of the alien ships died away. We gathered together, found shelter for the night and slept in shifts, resting our overworked, overexerted bodies and contemplating where we were going to hide next.  (There were no children, no husbands, no wives, no girlfriends, etc. Just a group of total strangers banding together for our mutual survival.) This continued on for two or three days during which the skyline (when visible) slowly cleared of all the ‘mother ships’ and the swirling sounds of the mini-ships disappeared completely. The only sign of the aliens was this excessively large drill looking thing that was hovering way off in the stars. At first we were all relieved, thinking we’d escaped abduction. Then, somehow, it dawned on us that the exodus of aliens could only mean that they abducted all the humans they needed/wanted and the rest of us were about to be annihilated along with the entire planet by a globe killing alien laser. Think – Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy – planetary demolition crew paving the way for an intergalactic super highway. (Huge jump I realize but it’s a dream folks  - work with me!)

This brings me to the interesting point in the dream.  (Yes, this is the interesting part) We, the ‘survivor-esk’ group of people realize that we’re doomed to die any moment and there is nothing we can do about it. Someone (not me) decides that the only thing left to do is enjoy ourselves! So, everyone starts to discuss ‘hooking-up.’ Now, at this point we’re in a group of about 100 or so, maybe more, I forgot to count. One guy (cuz there’s always that guy) stands up on a nearby log and shouts out his exact sexual preferences and proclivities. In detail. The theory being, if we’re all doomed to die, we’re all single and unattached (again, work with me, it was a dream) then our last romp should be exactly what we want. Person by person, we start to stand up on the log, list with an unabashed bravado exactly what we want for our last roll in the hay. People start matching up on whose list matches who’s. Kind of an end of the world sexual speed dating meeting.

The rest of the dream is irrelevant to the rest of this blog. Sorry folks, I just checked the skyline, all’s clear, no space ships in sight and the blog-o-sphere is too large of a survivor group for me to stand on my metaphorical log and announce my sexual preferences. We’ll just leave some things private. Besides, my parents read this.

Fast-forward to last night.

Brad and I are lying in bed talking and I recount my dream to him. Of course, his first question is “what did you proclaim?” In an attempt to evade the question for a bit while I ponder the ramifications of point blank stating my preferences list style, I asked him what he would say. Now, I’m not shy and nothing I listed in the dream would be new information to him but for some reason, it’s an entirely different situation to list out your sexual proclivities like a bucket list. Plus, this is a man we’re talking about here, if I listed the things that I dreamt about in a sci-fy end of the world dream, he would take that as a list of things to try and, to be honest, dreams shouldn’t always equate to reality, at least not without copious amounts of liquor. Enough said.

Moving on: Brad’s answer (and yes, he knows I’m posting this and is rather proud of his answer and confident that any guy will understand it) was that he would stand up and say he wanted 3 women to pleasure him until his brain disengaged and he was just a body of sensation leading to a fantastic orgasm or two.

That’s it. No further description, no more instructions, no explanation of what “pleasure him” means. I don’t get it. So, I asked for clarification. What does “pleasure you mean? How would they pleasure you? Would it count as pleasuring you if they kissed or is that considered their own pleasure? Would you want to do any ‘work’ or just lay back and receive? “

“Jen, you’re way overthinking this, that’s the whole point, I don’t want to have to think about it, I just want to stand on the log and say – I want 3 women to pleasure me.”

“But, wait.” I continued my argument, “How would they know what pleasures you? What if they did something that didn’t fall under your realm of pleasure? Why 3? Why not 4? Why not 2? What is it that the 3rd woman would be doing that the first two couldn’t accomplish?”

“Jen, let me repeat: You’re overthinking this!”

“I am not! I just don’t understand what you mean. How can they pleasure you if you don’t tell or teach them how?!?”

“That’s the point! I don’t want to have to think about it I just want to surrender my body and mind to them to pleasure.”

Long, silent pause…..

“Brad, if you were in my end of the world survivor group… I’d go into the ocean get two sucker fish, throw them at you and take you’re women.”

Ensue 20 min’s of hysterical laughing on my part.

(Did I really just say – I’d throw sucker fish at my husband?)

Why only two sucker fish? Well, I assumed at first that I would be one of ‘his women’ but, upon further reflection, if the world was about to end the last thing I want to be doing is educating two other women on how to pleasure my husband. Why, if his goal is to disengage his brain, should I have to take up the slack and feel responsible for him having a mind-altering experience?

Let me rephrase: “Babe, if you were in my survivor group, I’d throw three sucker fish at you and take your women!”

Now, this is not to say that I’m particularly interested in women, don’t go there. I’m just saying, again, why should these 2 women have to guess at what pleasures him and what about their pleasure? It sounds to me like a few strategically placed fish could do the job given his lack of specifications.

I laughed so hard at this discussion. Like I said, it has to be probably one of the most bizarre we’ve ever had! I’d love to say we had a few cocktails under our belt or, give then complete strangeness of this conversation it would even be possibly reasonable to think maybe there were other mind altering concoctions in effect, but sadly, no, this was just my ‘woman brain’ over thinking, as Brad put it.

I was laughing so hard, tears were streaming down my face and I was snorting every other guffaw. He was laughing too but not to the same extent. He said to me: “Just for the record: I’m not laughing with you.”

At this point, I turn on the bed side lamp and grab my Ipad.

“You’re going to blog about this aren’t you?”

“Yep! It’s too funny not to!”

So, I type up a few key notes to help jog my memory in the morning. Things like “Dream about end of the world” “Sexual bucket list” “Brad wants: 3 women to pleasure him – no instruction” “Sucker fish” “Why 3? Why not 2 or 4? What is it exactly that the 3rd women for”

Brad then chimes in: “Can you imagine the discussion this could cause? At dinner tomorrow night I could just tell everyone I’m going to say a phrase and everyone has to think up a story to go with it. Ready? Here’s my Phrase: ‘Post-Apocalyptic Sucker Fish.’ I guarantee no one would go where you did with it!”

Ensue 20 more min’s of uncontrollable laughter on my part and oh my god my wife is crazy laughter on his.

(In my defense, it was 1 in the morning; I didn’t sleep hardly at all the night before and spent most of the day in the sun. But seriously, this was funny, no matter the time!)

The lights are back off and I’m still laughing enough to shake the bed. After a few steading breaths, I can feel Brad shaking his head at me at this point and thru controlled bite-my-cheek-so-I-don’t-go-hysterical-again breaths I say “I can only imagine what your blog post would look like if you were a blogger!”

He says: “My blog would be simple: “I woke up this morning, took a shit, drank coffee, went to work. Side note: My wife is crazy. End of blog”

Crude but it totally sums up the differences between my husband and me. At this point I’m on page 4 of my word document recounting this story using my shirt sleeve to wipe the tears that are still leaking out as I chuckle recounting this story. He’s fast asleep still as it’s his morning to sleep in and I guarantee when he wakes up he’ll look at me and shake his head in that same tone of voice he shook at me last night. That’s it, no further discussion on his part. I on the other hand, will probably have this conversation or retelling of conversation, conversation, at least 3 times today. Laughing each time. Coming up with new, in depth questions. Hitting him at the most random, inopportune times with a request for further clarification.

Back to last night…slowly the silence creeps in. Sleep starts to take over and we lay cuddled in each other’s arms drooping into that slow steady rhythmic breathing of pre-sleep.



“Wouldn’t it be Pre- Apocalyptic sucker fish? I’m pretty sure by definition, Post-Apocalyptic means that everything’s dead.”

“Jen… shut up.”

Queue snores

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Our wedding Anniversary

Today is Brad and my 9 year wedding anniversary. (Yes, Anthony is 10, that's another story for another day) Nine years ago tonight Brad and I were 22 years old, had a two year old and worked 3 jobs between us just to pay the bills. We rarely had more than a few dollars in our bank account. Yet, thanks to our family, the wedding was beautiful. The ceremony and reception were at a historic house in downtown Tucson. We were wed on the middle landing of a two story stair case with our family seated below and in the balcony all around us. Anthony was our ring bearer and spent most of the wedding yelling "Mommy! Daddy!" from my grandfathers lap in the balcony. We said our "I Do's," took pictures and made our grand entrance to the Star Trek Generations theme song. Yea, we were dorks! We ate, we danced and shoved cake in each others faces.

We left via limo to a local resort hotel tucked into the mountains. The deluxe suite was paid for us and stocked with diet coke, oranges, crackers, cheese and summer sausage. We were classy! After peeling me out of my gown we filled the double tub with warm bubbly water, poured our diet cokes and sunk in. I think it was 5 min.'s later that we started to fall asleep. We got out, debated our "wedding night" obligations and ultimately got into bed and fell asleep. Snoring, drooling, deep sleep!

Fast forward 9 years and we kissed a sideways kiss this morning as Brad was leaving for work and I was still in bed. He said "happy anniversary" and I think I mumbled something in return. We've never been much for celebrating the anniversary any more than we were for celebrating our wedding night itself. We have just never been that way. Never had the money, never had the babysitter, the energy, the time off or any combination of those all together. We celebrate when all those things combine, not when the date itself comes up.

Tonight wasn't much of an exception but like always we make it work for us. I surprised Brad with a "date." Anthony and our niece Alana (who's 10 as well) were in charge of "babysitting." I put both of those in quotes because the truth is that Brad and I just went across our street to the neighborhood pool for a picnic dinner. The girls thought we were really going out and Brad had no idea what was going on. He was very skeptical of leaving the 10 year olds in charge of the 4 and 2 1/2 year olds. After 9 years though, he's learned to trust me enough to only ask a few questions. (Haha!)

I had packed the picnic basket and set one of the tables under the ramada at the pool. We ate, talked, watched the sun go down then sat in the spa for an hour or two.

Our table:

Our house:

When we got home, dishes were done, the girls were bathed and tucked in their beds asleep. Anthony had read a bed time story to Hailey and Alana read to Makenna then they each laid with the girls for a few minuets till they were almost asleep. I couldn't have asked for better babysitters!

I'm laying in bed next to a sleeping Brad. He is truly my best friend. I talk to him multiple times a day and always have more to talk about. He makes me laugh, he holds me when I cry and supports me in ways I never knew possible. We have had a turbulent, tumultuous and rewarding marriage. I love him more and more every year.

Monday, June 6, 2011

My weigh-in on weight

Ok so this would go under the category of “is she really posting this on the internet, let alone saying it out loud?” Yes. Part of my resolution for this blog was to be open about what was going on in my life and document it. So, be warned….

Here it goes.

I’m Fat.

Not a surprise to anyone who’s ever seen me but still something I try to hide from everyone all the time. Strange huh? Maybe that’s part of the reason I am fat is because instead of embracing it or recognizing it, I usually hide from it.

I think it’s human nature, well maybe woman nature, to want to be thinner, prettier, in better shape or to look like someone else. To be honest, I want to be thinner, trimmer, and sexier.  It’s a goal so many mom’s have (well, again, probably so many women, not just mom’s) but it’s a hard one to achieve when you spend countless days on end at home, cleaning, playing with kids who don’t care what you look like and if you’re like me, cook every meal from scratch. I spend most of my day in jammies or comfy clothes and I only put on make up or do my hair when I know I’m going to see someone other than my kids or my husband. I scramble around 10 min’s before Brad comes home trying to make myself look decent for him but, I know the truth of how I looked the entire day. The biggest loss in that is I don’t think my husband views me as sexy. Now, he will argue with you, tell you that he does find me sexy and he shows me often. I guess then, the real truth is, it’s me, I don’t find myself sexy. I feel more like a dumpy housewife and I don’t want to be dumpy, I want to be sexy to myself. Being sexy to yourself makes you confident and confidence is the sexiest thing to anyone. A huge (pun intended) part of my poor self image is my weight. Fortunately, I have no cholesterol issues, my heart, kidneys, liver and lungs are all functioning at normal capacity. I don’t have any thyroid, adrenal or other gland issues. I’ve had everything tested and tested twice. I am considered healthy, yet overweight.

If I’m being honest, and please appreciate how much this hurts, I’m not overweight, I’m not fat, technically I’m obese. (Yuck, that hurts almost as much as saying I’m 30 - Ouch!)  No matter what any medical tests says now though about my health, combine the two yuck facts (30 and obese) and I’m headed for a whole slue of problems in the near future. I also have family history of diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease and cancer. Add in the whole dumpy house frau complex and I sometimes fear I’m one muumuu away from just giving up completely.  I’d love to blame genetics, which is partially a reason, or blame some of my medications that have a ‘weight gain’ side effect but the crux of it truly is very basic.

I eat too much and don’t take care of my body.
Easy to identify, not so easy to change.

In my better moments, I know in my heart, I’m sassy, I am sexy, and I’m playful and active. Yet, I look in the mirror, a picture or see myself thru someone else’s eyes and all I see is my weight. I constantly feel judged by others for my weight. If I am at a group dinner, I fill my plate based on what I think others would suggest I eat, not on how hungry I am. I bring food to people at gatherings and pretend that I’m not hungry, or don’t want to eat what ever I brought. I hate the thought of someone thinking “see, this is why she’s fat, she cooks and eats all this crap!” I doubt that most people think that yet I still feel constantly judged. I hate that! I hate that I can’t go shopping in just any clothes store and if I do I have to go to the largest end of the rack. I’m fortunate that my husband likes a little padding on me but at this point, I’ve surpassed ‘a little’ padding. The perfect image I want of being the 1950’s mom with a homemade dinner on the table every night, happy husband, happy children and a clean home does not include an overweight “Aunt Be” looking wife. (I know, Aunt Bee was technically 1960’s, but work with me here!)

I know I should care about my kids observations about health. Being a roll model for them should be a factor in why I want to loose weight, but, its not. Let me tell you, my parents always dieted. I’m sure ‘always’ is an exaggeration but I remember everything from running a marathon to the cabbage soup diet. I swear, for at least three years of my life all we ate for dinner was boneless skinless chicken breasts. Yet, for all their personal efforts to loose weight and maybe teach me something about it in return, I still sit here 30 and obese. (yuck!) So, sorry kids, this one’s not for you, it’s for me. The home made bread, food from scratch with extra veggies and bountiful baskets full of produce are for you. When you’re grown up you will have to decide how to manage your own weight just as I have had to battle thru managing mine. I can only hope to give you plenty of food choices to open your palate to homemade, preservative free, fresh foods. Maybe even show you that change is possible. For now though, I’m focusing on myself, focusing on becoming a sexy, confident, housewife. I want to wear skinny jeans and tank tops before all the wrinkles set in. I want to bake and cook things to give away and enjoy sharing those gifts with my friends. I want to look in the mirror when it’s just me in the room and think “Damn, she’s sexy!”

 I’ve tried so many diets, routines, new mentalities and such over the past 14 years. I’ve done Atkins, South Beach, joined a gym, Slim-fast, Alli, Wii fit work out and other low cal diets that were more a way of cooking than an actual diet. All of them worked to a degree, yet, here I sit, still overweight. I think I’ve always been overweight. My mom would argue with you and tell you that I was skinny in high school. Comparatively speaking, yes I was skinnier then than now, but compared to all the girls around me, I was overweight, I just hid it well. Since I got pregnant with Anthony just after high school (a story for another day) I went from overweight to pregnant, to pudgy, to fat, to overweight. Like I said, I’ve lost the weight here and there but before August of last year, my scale hadn’t hit under 200 lbs since I was 19.

In March of last year my mom asked me to the HCG diet with her. Together, we lost a bit over 100 lbs in 6 months. It was life changing! I felt like a completely different person. I had a swagger in my step that I’ve never had, I had so much energy, I wanted to move, exercise and eat right. My mom kept almost all of it off, I on the other hand did not. I gained back a little over half of what I lost. Part of the gain was due to a new medication I started in January for my OCD, I was able to document my weight gain skyrocket as I increased my medication to the needed level, but the other part goes back to the truth that once I saw the weight coming back, I felt defeated and I kind of gave up. The difference this time than any other time in my life is I kept ½ of it off for almost a year. So, I’ve decided to do the diet again. There are side effects, it’s not perfect, it’s hard to stay dedicated to the very low calorie diet and it’s expensive but all that considered, I’ve decided it’s worth it to me.

So far, one week later, I’ve lost 11 lbs. I don’t really feel it yet or really see it, but it’s great to be doing something for myself. Plus I love seeing the scale go down! It’s hard, I won’t lie, I struggle with it every day, but I keep doing it and will keep doing it until my outsides match who I am on the inside. Until the scale gets to where I want it, I’ve decided to pretend for at least 3 days of the week that I am going into an office. I’m going to shower first thing in the morning, do my hair and makeup, put on actual clothes, not pajamas and try to take some pride in my looks. One of my favorite mottos in life is “Fake it till you make it.” I’m going to fake being sexy until I am.

(If you’re curious about the HCG diet you can check out my take on the way it works in my opening of the HCG recipes tab.)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Makenna and weekend update

Kenna is thankfully feeling better. I took her to the Dr. on Friday afternoon, her temperature was 103.4! He checked her over, twice. He did a urine and throat culture, checked her ears, listened to her stomach, checked her for a rash, etc… He seemed a bit more worried about her than previous illnesses but was finally convinced that it was just a virus. He said that he had a large influx of kids with high fevers and stomach issues. Although Kenna wasn’t exhibiting any stomach issues, he was still pretty confident it was the same virus. He said to watch her closely and to call him this weekend if she didn’t get better. Thankfully, she was fine by Saturday morning.

I took the kids up to my sister-in-law’s on Saturday to cook for her for the HCG diet. (More on that tomorrow) She was kind enough to keep the kids overnight so Brad and I could go to a party for Brad’s work. We had a good time. It was a party thrown by one of his clients for all their employees. It was at the Tucson Museum of Art. The museum was really interesting, some really bizarre things and some completely awe inspiring. The tiki themed party was outside the museum had an open bar, casino games and dancing. I pretty much stayed at the black jack tables all night while Brad mingled with co-workers. We left around midnight. I was up $17,000 in black jack, but since it was all for raffle tickets of which I didn’t win anything, I have nothing to show for it but bragging rights.

Sunday we had to meet Brad’s parents at Pappy’s house to finish the final clean out and get it ready for sale. Everyone was a bit grumpy. Ours was from lack of sleep, my inlaws from being over-worked but I think we were all feeling the emotional pull from the loss of Pappy.

This afternoon, after a nap and some swimming, Hailey started complaining of a tummy ache. It could be food related as her and Brad ate some leftover scrambled eggs while I was sleeping and Brad’s tummy is upset too but, I’m betting money, it’s the same bug Kenna had.

This week is pretty jam packed so I hope, if she does have it, that she recovers as quickly as Kenna did. Tomorrow, Monday, I have to clean, meal plan, grocery shop and do laundry, all of which was neglected this weekend. Tuesday is music class for the girls and I have to start getting the garage set up for our upcoming yard sale. Wednesday my mom-in-law is coming over so I can cook for the HCG diet for her. Also, that’s Brad and my anniversary so some kind of nice dinner is in order. Thursday we pack up for our annual ‘staycation’ at my parent’s house while they go out of town. I think some friends are coming over to swim that afternoon too. Friday I have to go back to Pappy’s with my mom-in-law to do the final wipe down, dusting and vacuuming of everything. Saturday we’re having a “Parents are away” swim party and Sunday we’re collapsing back at home after cleaning up the ‘rents house.

Tomorrow I’ll post more about the HCG diet and later this week I’ll have some fun pictures during our staycation. My parents have a large house, a huge yard with produce planted all around, a pool, chickens, dogs, turtles and our grandma next door. Trust me; it’s a photo op at every turn

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sickish kiddo

That’s it, I’m buying an otoscope. It’s that instrument Dr.’s use to look inside your ear and determine if you have an ear infection. Something’s wrong with Kenna. I don’t know what but given our hours and hours in the pool I suspect that she’s got an ear infection. I just wish I knew. The other option is a UTI. They’re common in potty training girls. I wish I had the otoscope so I could look and see if it was her ear.
She was fine this morning. We had a usual summer morning, breakfast, playing, clean up, lunch then nap. After nap we suited up and went to the pool. That’s when she freaked out. She got in the pool but after less than 5 min.’s she wanted out, was crying and acting like she was cold despite the 101 degree temperature. She sat pool side for a bit cuddled into a towel then Anthony offered to take her inside but she threw a tantrum when I didn’t leave with her. I could barely get her swim suit off before she fell asleep. By the time she woke up she was burning up. Poor girl.

She’s a bit better tonight after some ibuprofen but that’s only temporary. The part that sucks is tomorrow is Friday. That means I have to decide first thing tomorrow if I want to call the Dr. or wait out the weekend and risk ending up spending double at urgent care because she’s miserable. This happened last week too but with Hailey, I decided to stick it out with her since she never became lethargic, just a low fever. Hers went away by the next day but I have a feeling I’m not going to be that lucky this time.

I wonder if Kenna falling asleep so early last night had anything to do with this, maybe it was ‘brewing’ so to speak? Maybe I shouldn’t have gloated?

Thankfully I put a roast in the crock pot this morning and did most of my chores before this whole melt down so aside from our bed being unmade the house was relatively clean when Brad got home. At one point when Kenna fell asleep cuddled up with me on the couch I slipped out from under her and took a few min’s to spruce up the house and change out of my swim suit. It was starting to have a panic attack about not cleaning up a bit before he got home even though he knew I was cuddling a sick baby. Sad huh! I wonder what a 1950’s mom would have actually done? There’s always this image of ‘old time’ sick kids tucked into their bed, no tv, no radio, no mom cuddling them. At least I’m not that bad; I just ducked out for about 15 min’s to spruce up. She never even had the chance to miss me, I was cuddled back up with her after 15 min.'s, the house looked clean and dinner was ready when Brad got home. Phew!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This is why I love summer

No school
No homework
No schedules
Summer vacations
And most of all....Swimming!

My kids are fish! They spend hours in the pool. Now, I love swimming too but that's not why I love going to the pool so much. It's because it's 8:30pm here and my kids have been asleep for an hour! 7:30, yep, 7:30, and they're asleep! They wore themselves out at the pool today.
So, during the day I get to swim, sit pool side and read, watch my kids laugh, splash and play together. Then, they're all asleep before the sun has even fully set!

I love summer!

Updates and Changes

This is post number 101!

 In honor of surpassing the 100’s I have made a few changes and updates.
  • I have added a Google tool bar for “Search this Blog” to help you look for anything previously posted.
  • I cleaned up the Recipes tab adding in everything previously posted
  • Removed the Dirty Laundry tab and added a new feature called Out of Context – updates on that coming soon.
  • I added a new tab just for HCG recipes since I’m starting the HCG diet again
  • I created a Facebook page for Moms Inside Story. Blogger is a bit picky as to who and when it allows you to comment. With Facebook you can become a friend of Moms Inside Story and comment, like and share with ease. Be sure to head over to Moms Inside Story to become a fan. This also means I will no longer be updating my personal Facebook page with post updates but all posts will be updated on the Moms Inside Story Facebook page.