Monday, June 20, 2011


The yard sale this weekend was a success! We exceeded our goal and had no major hick-up's. Saturday we had swarms if people and Sunday the few that did stop by had large pocket books!lots of people commented on my signs: Magnificent Yard Sale - this way. Done on neon green poster board with large purple words. People were pulling up asking: "is this the magnificent yard sale?" a few even noticed my organized, pressed clothing and other details. I think my OCD helped make this yard sale so successful.

This week my step-mom is coming to visit. We're all looking forward to having her here. We plan on spending our week drinking Starbucks, swimming and planning out our lake house vacation at the end of next month.

I will be taking this week off from blogging. This blog has changed, grown and morphed so much in just a short 6 months. The growth has come with a slight change in direction and I want to take this week to contemplate the next 6 month of my blogging goal. I have learned so much thus far. I find a kind of therapy in blogging, but I have also offended some and lost some readers. So, I need to take a step back and reevaluate. If you've stuck with me from the beginning, hang in there, I promise I will be back. If you're newer to Moms Inside Story (maybe over from hold out for just a week, blogging is a new world to me and like anything new, a step back can help you gain a whole new perspective.


  1. im a little bummed, being a new reader and old friend :( but fine ill hold out. i spent time reading all of your past blogs and really enjoyed them. i even tried one of your recipes and i don't cook lol. will miss your posts its the only way we keep up these days

  2. Thanks Ty, glad you're enjoying my blog! Where's yours so I can catch up on your life? Your inside jokes on Facebook are too cryptic for me to follow. :). What recipe did you try? Did it turn out? Don't forget to 'follow' the blog with the button on the right. One day I'll be a big time blogger and have 15 followers. :)
