Monday, June 27, 2011

Welcome back!

Welcome back to Moms Inside Story! My week break was nice, thanks for sticking it out with me. I intended the week to be contemplative and introspective regarding the direction of this blog but in the end, I just relaxed and enjoyed my week. I was even treated to a laundry helper and a manicure and pedicure. I will say, I think the help with the laundry was almost more indulgent than the mani/pedi.

The only real conclusion I came to this week is this: This blog is my space. My space to share ideas, laugh at myself and document my life. As it grows I’m more and more aware of the impact published words can have and promise, to those that I’ve offended, to be more careful with my words. In case it hasn’t been painfully aware, I use this space to put a theatrical spin on my life and try to just have fun with it. I’m serious from time to time, but overall I want this to be a fun place with retellings that make us laugh, ideas that inspire and stories that capture memories.

I know that at my core I am a 1950’s housewife. I want everything to be perfect, I want my husband to come home every night to a clean house, homemade dinner and happy well adjusted kids. I want to bake, cook, sew and create new projects. I want to play with my kids, teach them new things, explore the world and learn together. I want to have a welcoming home full of pictures, laughter and organized chaos. I want to accomplish all of that every day and still greet him at the door in a pretty dress, drink in hand and a happy attitude.

On the outside though, that doesn’t always happen.

This blog is my space to share my attempts at perfect, change my definition of perfect and in the end, create my own perfect.

This week I have several projects on deck.

I have 80 polo shirts to embroider with Brad’s work logo.

I have this beautiful box of organic mangos to make yummy treats with.

I am going to make some really cool place mats for my table. (Stay tuned for the tutorial - assuming they turn out!)

I am working on unifying the colors of all these photo frames and filling them with great memories. I am also going to transform the mirror in the backround and hang it up.

On top of all that is the ‘regular week’ stuff like laundry, dishes, floors, clutter clean up and cooking. My weekly meal plan is:

Monday: Cranberry Pork Roast

Tuesday: Spaghetti Sauce with meatballs and sausage

Wednesday: Beef Stir Fry

Thursday: Grilled Chicken Salad

Friday: Homemade Pizza

Upcoming in the next few weeks I want to make some pretty dresses for the girls for our vacation. I want to embroider some shirts for Anthony and I need to finish planning out our vacation. I have to make packing lists, food lists and just good ‘ol lists of lists.

On a side note, I finished my HCG diet. I now weigh 28 lbs lighter and feel great! I still have more I want to loose but I am going to try out a trial membership at a gym for the next few months and see how I do going at it the “old fashioned” way. Despite my ideas on good recipies for the HCG diet, I kind of just stuck to grilled chicken or beef and steemed veggies. That didn’t make for a very good recipe page so I’m taking that one down.

Check out Mom’s Inside Story over on Facebook for project updates, “get-to-know-you” questions, “out of context” quotes and other fun.

1 comment:

  1. ok, i am now a "follower" hardly a title i normally would use for myself...but just for you. and i tried the open faced sandwiches you made with the different toppings on them...i made them with feta cheese, safeway rotisserie chicken, mayo and little tomatoes.
