Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekly Plan 3/14

This weekend I ran away for a bit. I gave the kids over to Brad and left the house for a few hours. I went out to lunch, shopping, had a manicure and pedicure and got dinner to bring home. It was magical. Yep, magical! I think I actually moaned when I sunk my feet in the hot water.

Sorry for the late post. I woke up today brimming with creativity. I got my sewing and surging machine out and made a gift for my mom. I can't say what it is yet because I missed out on my opportunity to give it to her tonight so she has to wait until tomorrow which means I don't want to post it here on the chance that she logs in tonight. But, I'm happy with it and plan on making one for myself tomorrow. I even got several loads of laundry done and kept the house clean through out the day. It's amazing how much I can get done when the girls are well and playing, instead of sick and clingy. It felt good to get creative again, sometimes I forget how much I enjoy sewing.

With cute toes, pampered fingers and a few new outfits, my outlook on this week is much cheerier than last week's. Since the girls are feeling better I plan on being out of the house as much as possible. Tomorrow we're going to Target, the park and the supermarket. Wednesday I think we'll spend most of the day at my mom's since she's hosting Bunco for us that night. Thursday is St. Patricks day and we always have a bit of fun those mornings. Check back tomorrow or Wednesday and I'll share my plan. I also want to head to the mall and let the girls play at the indoor play place and I want to window shop. I cant tell you the last time I was at the mall. I don't often have the patience for it but it's amazing what a few free hours can do for my patience meter. Lastly, since we're enjoying beautiful weather here I want to take the girls to the zoo before it gets too hot. Fun times!

(Who's taking bets on my patience meter come the end of the week?)

My meal plan for the week is:

Monday - Vegetarian Lasagna, bread sticks and salad
Tuesday - Big Dinner Salad with Grilled Chicken
Wednesday - Bunco Night! (Peter Piper kids for the kids with Brad and I am making Quiche for Bunco's breakfast themed dinner)
Thursday - Green Eggs, Green Bread (broccoli bread) with ham and cheese, Green monkey bread
Friday - Dinner out
Saturday - DATE NIGHT! Yea!!!

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