Friday, March 4, 2011


My absence the past few days has been not been for lack of will. I enjoy posting, sharing (or some may consider it over sharing) and creating here but sometimes there are only so many hours in a day and only so much energy in my battery. Needless to say the past few days have been a bit busy with non-bloggable stress.

I use to mock my mom for cleaning when she was stressed. I much preferred my oh-so-mature response to stress; sleeping. The classic story being when I told her I was pregnant for the first time, she cleaned my entire apartment from head to toe in just a few hours. Now, those that know me, know that I was quite young when I got pregnant, so, despite the fact that she was thrilled to be having a grandbaby, she was stressed for "her baby" and cleaned grout line to baseboard while she talked to me. I think that was the cleanest my apartment ever was and the most sleep I've gotten in my life time.

Since I've grown up and morphed into some OCD combo of her and June Cleaver, I now clean when I'm stressed. I wish I was one of those women who jittered and didn't eat, but no, the women in my family eat! Eat and clean.

The upside....stress = extra clean house.

Despite not being home much the past few days and not sleeping much, thus having little energy, my house is beautifully clean right now. Just in time for my handsome husband to celebrate his 31st birthday. (If he could ever get out of the office tonight, he's stuck on a project. Those of us married to techies know the bad word is the "S" word. Server!)

Stress may not be good for, my temperament, my sleeping habits, my marriage, my kids, my relationships, my heart, my blood pressure etc...but, one things for sure, when the EMT's come to take me away one day, my house will be clean! *smile*

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