Monday, March 28, 2011

Why having coupons is not always a good thing

When I first started couponing I was bringing home all sorts of junk; cookies, ice cream, chips, Hamburger Helper and a whole array of personal care items that we didn’t normally ever use or would use over the course of a year.

I was addicted to the savings. If I could get it for $.50 or under I considered it “free” and just couldn’t pass it up!

Well, guess what? My grocery bill was slowly going up, not down. After all, twenty-five deodorants at $.50 a piece (over the course of a month) costs me more than the one deodorant I actually needed at regular price of $2.25. But damn it! I had two coupons for deodorant this trip and they’re on sale at Fry’s, then next weeks papers had 3 coupons for deodorant and they were on sale at Safeway and the next week….and on and on and on it went until I was way overspending, over eating and over deodorizing.

Eventually, I learned my lesson and was able to let the great deal go if I already had 20 of the same item or it was something that we did not normally use. But, like most lessons in life, sometimes you have to re-learn them every once in a while just to drive home the point.

This weekend I was meandering thru Safeway, coupons and paper in basket, when I came across a large end-cap stand of clearance items. Some things were 50% and others were 75%. Score! The hair spray we like was there along with a deep conditioning mask, a tube of mascara and some anti-wrinkle cream (for my mom, I swear!) were all 50% off plus I had a coupon for some of them.

There were also several hair coloring boxes in various shades. I’ve always wanted to color my hair a darker brown but have never had the guts to do it nor the motivation and money for the upkeep. Well, this box of L’oreal caught my eye.

I loved the color! Look how sexy the woman looks, how sultry and intriguing she was with her dark hair and light eyes. Oh yea, I want that look.

But, no, what if it doesn’t work out?

What if it turns my hair orange?

Wait, wasn’t there a coupon in this weeks paper for hair color?

Yes! $3 off and one L’Oreal Prefrence color.

The coupon combined with the already 75% off made the box $.99. Who could resist? It was a great deal! I had to do it.


My hair is now an unnatural shade of baby poop after eating too many strawberries. In other words, for you non-parents, it’s a muddy brownish with the sheen of fake coppery-red. Got the picture? Good because there’s no way I’m posting an actual one here.

Oh well, I guess this time I actually got burnt by the hot pan. Maybe I’ve learned my lesson for good. Just because it’s a killer deal does not mean I have to buy it, slather it on my hair and thus suffer the consequences of hiding in a paper bag for the next 60 days.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, pleeez, just one little, tiny pic for me to see??? I won't show it to anyone, I swear!!
