Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our trip to the Zoo

This week is Anthony’s spring break and aside from the requisite sleeping in, staying up late and no homework we are throwing in a few friend sleep-over’s, family trips and a movie.

Today we went to the Zoo. Kenna was the most excited, jumping up and down at each animal that moved while we were watching. Hailey, the calm one, just stared mesmerized at each animal. Anthony had the map and was directing us where to go and what we were about to see.

Feeding the Giraffe - Look at that tongue! The girls and Anthony had no fear, as a matter of fact, I couldn't even get a picture of Anthony or Hailey feeding the giraffe because they ran right too it.

Makenna was in her element! No strollers, no hand holding and going commando!
(oh yea, did I mention that? Somehow I ended up being "one of those moms" today and left the house without diapers in my purse or car and of course by the time we got to the zoo, Kenna had a good pound of pee stored in her only diaper. So, commando it was! At first she kept grabbing herself but after a bit she got kind of use to it. Too use to it if you ask me. More animals were mentally harmed in our visit today than all the kindergarten field trips combined. Every time an animal was down low or a bird hopped past, Kenna squatted down...in her dress. Getting the picture? Fortunately she’s had enough success with potty training that we made it the entire 4 hours with out an accident. Maybe it was the yin to my yang since I already dealt with my fair share of messes with her. Either way, I was very fortunate to not have to explain to the poor zoologist in training that already has to shovel elephant poop and rake giraffe turds why my daughter was running around commando and soiled the walkway. Poor girl, if only her mom wouldn't humiliate her maybe her therapy bills would be less in the future.)

Moving on:

Hailey and Sara in a log.
 Anthony the turtle. (can I just say that I LOVE his sense of play and imagination, how many 10 yr old boys do you know that would stop and pose for a picture as a turtle, let alone climb in the shell on their own and ask for the picture)

I love this smile!

This was by far my favorite though. At about the 1/2 way point, there is a "bug" room that is indoors. They have hissing roaches, an ant farm, and a turtle tank. In front of the tank is a coloring station intended for  the kids to recreate their version of the turtles. Makenna sat for about 10 min's coloring away, picking out colors and scribbling. I say scribbling because she was frantic about it. She even insisted on taking a piece of crayola outside with her.

She spent the rest of the zoo doing this:

Then stopping every so often to look around and back down. Here she's showing Aunt Sasha where we are. Get it? She made a map! She was so stinking cute walking with her nose to the map

We sat out front of the zoo and had a picnic then drove home. It was of course past nap time by this point and the girls were exhausted. Anthony and I had a funny time trying to get Kenna to stay awake on the drive home. If I can figure out how to edit the video I'll post it but as it is now it takes too long to get to the funny parts.

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