Friday, July 15, 2011


There are a ton of ‘Anonymous’ organizations out there:
Overeaters (No comment)
Emotions (Although I’m thinking just about anyone can walk into this one)
Debtors (I could be a part of this one..if I had any money)
Social Phobics
Mother-in-Law (I didn’t make that up – you can Google it)
Shopaholics (Again…Money required)

I’ve come up with my own: Over Doers Anonymous

I always get myself in such a mess volunteering and offering to help. I always end up over doing it. This week alone I’ve:
Joined the gym and gone every day
Hosted ‘summer camp’ (as deemed by my 2 nieces and nephew that stayed with me this week)
Gone 3 nights from 6-11 to someone else’s house to finish my embroidery job
Baked 216 cookies, 24 mini monkey breads, 36 cake cones and 2 cheese cakes
Made homemade meals for my family, the camp kids and the lady that was helping with my embroidery
Gone swimming 4 times

All of that plus ‘regular life’ activities like laundry and dishes. The worst part is I’m sitting here in bed at 10 at night twitching because I feel like I should be up doing more. I still have to make the chocolate logos for tomorrow’s party, iron the 80 shirts I embroidered, and there’s a load of laundry that needs to be folded before it wrinkles. I also still need to re-do my packing list because I thought of a more efficient order for it. I want to pick out a few books for reading on the trip. I need to make lists for the kids 12 (one per kid, per day in the car) travel packs.

See: ODA

The problem with an actual ODA group? I’d probably volunteer to be chairperson, bake goodies for each meeting and offer to host at my house. Ugh!

Anyone else want, or should I say, need, to join?

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