Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Coupons: tips, tricks and getting started

I've been coupon shopping for almost two years now. I'm not always as diligent as I should be but I always regret paying full price for something.

Here is a list of tips, tricks and websites I've put together to help get started with coupons.

You’ll have to decide how far you want to get into this… I warn you it can be addicting.

There are five different types of coupons to clip (no matter where you get your coupons they are all considered ‘clipped’):
1) Newspaper coupons – the ones delivered to your home sometimes have more/better ones than the ones you purchase in the store but either one is worth getting every Sunday.
2) Manufacture site coupons – any name brand things I like I sign up on the manufacture site or parent companies site (i.e. I’m loyal to Kraft Mac&Cheese only so I signed up on the Kraft website)
3) Coupon generating websites – these typically duplicate most of the newspaper ones and limit your printing to 2-3 per specific coupon
4) “Peelies” or in-store coupons. These are the ones that come from inside packages, stuck to the outside or off the printers in the grocery store isles.
5) E-coupons are ones that you upload directly to your shoppers value cards

There are three main coupon-clipper-types:
1) Clip only for what you know you will use, only products you already purchase (avg. savings = 10-15%)
2) Clip all coupons from #1 and add in any high value coupon from products you’re willing to try or substitute (avg. savings = 25-35%)
3) Clip all #1, #2 and add in any additional coupons for “stock” items; i.e. Toothpaste, TP and Health/Beauty products (avg. savings can be 50-75% however your main spending budget may be a bit inflated since you’re buying more products overall)

There are also three ways to “spend” your coupons:
1) Spend them only at your regular grocery store
2) Spend them at your regular grocery store and local MegaMart (Kmart, Walmart, Target)
3) Review all the ads and spend your coupons where you get the most bang for your buck (drugstores, megamarts, multiple grocery stores)

I typically clip almost all coupons and prep for spending #3 but usually only end up at 2 stores. I know I could maximize my spending if I went to multiple stores but with 3 kids (2 under 3) its enough of a PIA to go to one store let alone 5-6! I usually review the ads from my local stores, mainly my favorite grocery store and make up a list with my coupons in mind. I put a mark next to items on my grocery list that match up with coupons I’ve clipped and then make a separate list of extra items I can get for a really good deal if I have left over money. I also follow a few coupon-mom blogs that do much of the work for me.

Points of interest:
* Keeping a calculator with you is very important. Many name brand sales combined with coupons are still more expensive than the store brands. Watching the per-oz or per-unit price is important for the most budget friendly shopping.

* Knowing your stores coupon policy is important incase you run into any issues. I keep a printed copy of the coupon policy from the MegaMarts since the clerks tend to not know the rules when it comes to doubling, stacking, price matching.

* Most Drugstores and some MegaMarts will let you ‘Stack’ manufacture coupons with their store specific coupons. (i.e. If you print a Target coupon for $.75 off PopTarts and a Manufacture coupon for $1 off you can use both at Target and receive $1.75 off a box.)

*Kroger, Safeway and some Bashas couputers do not stop you from stacking an e-coupon with a paper coupon. (i.e, if you uploaded a coupon for $.50 off of Tide and have a paper coupon for $.75 off it will allow you to use both)

* Some of the printed coupons specifically say on them DO NOT DOUBLE, most stores do not abide by these rules when they are having a coupon special. I always calculate my pre-shopping savings with out the double discount just to be sure. If by chance the computer does double them then I just consider it a bonus.

* On the websites that ask for a zip code to generate offers specific to your area be sure to try other zipcodes after you have looked through your own. I often use 90210, 75648 and 63241. No real reason why I use those, but they are the ones I know and have had good luck with.

* Some of the websites I list will ask to create a log in and will ask you install a coupon printer to your computer. All the sites I’m listing are approved by my tech-geek husband. The downloads are to prevent you from printing multiple or over your limit to the coupons.

* The subscription websites require you to sign up and they will send you emails, they can be a bit of a PIA but can also give some great coupons and recipes!

* The first of the month is the best for printing coupons. They can run out quickly and only offer so many coupons per month. Also, the first Sunday of the month has the best coupon inserts. I typically purchase 2-3 papers then.

* Now this last one may be a bit debatable – I think that typically, you get the most bang for your buck by using your coupon closest to the expiration date. I have noticed that the stores usually have a sale to match the coupons for the first week, then in the last week of the coupon they put out an even better sale!

Finally, here are the websites I use:
- this site is great because not only can you look through multiple zip codes but you can also click on “Local Grocery Deals” and it will generate a complete list of all your local grocery store ads for you to look at and click on to create a shopping list by store. Often if I have a busy week and don’t have time for much, this is the one site I’ll hit.




Subscription websites:



-This one helps you save for your childrens college fund, pay off your own college debt or help someone else pay off theirs. I set this one up for my kids and had all the grandparents do the same so their savings go towards my kids college fund.

E-coupon websites



Store coupons:




Soon I'll show how I keep my coupons organized.

Do you use coupons? Do you love it or do it only out of saving obligations?

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