Friday, July 22, 2011

Are we there yet?

Today’s been long and we’re not even to our destination yet.

Years ago, trips of long past, Brad and I would have deep, insightful, thought provoking conversations and listen to great books on tape. This trip, because of a certain now socially aware 10 year old and demanding 2 and 4 year old, we haven’t been able to have hardly any conversations and the closest we’ve gotten to a book on tape is a 30 min. podcast that bored the kids into a small nap.

Are we there yet?

So far we’ve played musical seats three times, watched two movies, sang songs and had more lollie pops than are normally allowed in a week. We’ve played the alphabet game (you know, compete against each other to find the letters of the alphabet on signs or objects outside of your car), stopped for “pee-pee!” five times and thus far only had one parental melt down. (Not me – ok, yea, totally me)

Are we there yet?

We’ve sang “Joe the Toad.” Don’t know that one?

Oh Joe the Toad

Oh Joe the Toad

Oh Joe the Toad why were you laying in the road

You did not see our car ahead, now you’re squished, flat and dead

Oh Joe the Toad

Oh Joe the Toad….

(you didn’t see….the microwave close, now your brains will explode)

(you didn’t see….the cow ahead, now your manure is your new bed)

Are we there yet?

I’ve massaged booties that brought kids to tears because they fell asleep. (The booties, not the kids.)  I’ve had to de-gunk the ipad, gpad and lap tops from various sticky fingers and misplaced sneezes. We’ve discussed the differences, at length, between the blue travel pillow and the black one. No one wants the black pillow.

Are we there yet?

We’ve sang ABC’s, Twinkle, Twinkle, little star, Itsy Bitsy Spider…..

Oh, then this afternoon we picked up a hitch hiker. Actually, at first it was 3 or 4, I lost count. We opened all the windows while traveling 80 mph and all but one flew out. He’s been named Fido. Fido the fly. He is currently playing hide and seek with Hailey. She is thoroughly entertained with him. However, when Fido tries to land on Makenna, she freaks and attempts to break glass with her high pitched screech.

Are we there yet?

Hailey refuses to believe the smears on the big window are bugs, she thinks I’m teasing her.

I’ve fought with the GPS, and won. We’ve shut it down so many times because the little “bing-bong’s” and various other noises were grating on our nerves when combined with the noises of the above mentioned activities.

We’ve talked to the nice On Star lady once who basically told us to stop putting cheap gas in our car. We’ve lost shoes, drinks, snack bags, chargers and internet connection.

The most entertaining thing for the girls so far, aside from Fido, has been the box of plastic silverware. They’ve decided that the spoons make great eye glasses and the knives make funny sounds when you run the teeth of two of them against each other. I’m so glad I busted hump to make individual entertainment baggies for them.

Are we there yet?


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