Sunday, July 31, 2011

Home at last

We made it home safe and sound. I’d even call us sane, believe it or not! (Well, as sane as we ever are.)

Our last few days at the lake house were blissful. We drove into ‘town’ and walked the tourist shops. My dad treated us all to a mid afternoon cool down at Grandpa’s ice cream shop

The boys then went on to race go-carts while us girls cooled off in the neighborhood pool. Anthony was thrilled to be tall enough to drive his very own go-cart. Brad said he won the race however it was the topic of some debate as my dad claimed Brad skirted the yellow light. Either way, Anthony’s favorite part was the fact that there was no need for a break. I have a feeling I’m going to need extra insurance in 6 years.

The girls got to fish with Grandpa:

I love Hailey's expression in this one:

Hailey actually caught one and Makenna helped release one. Ironically, their favorite part was the box of live worms. Oh, that and when the fish slipped out onto the dock and flopped around.

My uncle took us out on the “party boat” which is a huge SeaRay 55 ft curser with living quarters, a restroom and a beautiful deck. A killer stereo too! We went for a 45 min tour of the lake then on to his country club for drinks and swimming in the pool. The pool was actually cool compared to the 93 degree lake water and the splash pad was a blast for the kids.

Crusing on the party boat:

The girls passed on our return trip from the swimming pool:

Hailey with her new best friend - my Uncle Dick:

I made chicken cheese enchiladas as a special dinner for my uncle who said he was lacking lately in good ‘ol home made food. The real treat was his dessert though. He made us peach ice cream from his fathers recipe. It was hands down the best ice cream I have ever had. I will share the recipe if I can, it may be a family secret though, if that’s the case then you’ll just have to suffer thru my praise of it. After dinner he shared a DVD he compiled of my dad and family back when my dad was 3-4 years old. It was surreal to watch.

The next day, I tried, unsuccessfully, to water ski but had a blast riding the tube. Makenna even got a turn in the tube thanks to her great big brother who volunteered to take her out. She's tucked in his lap bairly peeking out:

Anthony in the tube:

After a final few hours riding the waves on the SeaDoo’s, we went out to dinner for our final night. It was a delightful local restaurant that served mostly comfort food however, they had “amazing escargot” according to my uncle. It was so good in fact, that he insisted I get my own order to try it vs trying just one of his. He said they were so good he would rather have the rest of mine if I didn’t like them than to give me one of his to try. Needless to say, I did not fling a snail across the room into an awaiting butlers hand (name that movie) but I did like them. They were bathed in garlic butter and had a cute puff pastry top hat. Hailey loved them too!

We left the lake house at 4am on Saturday morning. The drive to Amarillo went well and we arrived to the hotel with time to swim, go out to a nice dinner and get into bed by 7pm thanks to the extra dark hotel curtains. We turned around and left Amarillo at 3am (2 Tucson time!) and finally made it home at 2 this afternoon. It was miserable getting up so early both mornings but considering the kids slept till about 7am and we got to our destinations with time to relax, it was totally worth it. Believe it or not the kids were much better on the drive home than they were on the way out. I would guess that the anticipation of the whole vacation was enough to make them antsy on the way out and the exhaustion of five days in the sun was enough to wipe them out for the return trip home.

The car is completely unloaded, everything put away and we’re basking in the laziness that can only occur in your own home on your own couch.

Our laundry took a vacation too and got quite dirty. J (Scroll to the bottom to see Vacation pictures)

Thankfully, the large capacity washer and dryer plus a helpful step-mom ensured that I only came home with clean clothes. There was no kinky car ‘activities’ to dirty it up again.

Given all that we did and all the risks we took the injury list is thankfully just shy of the emergency room. We had

17 bonked heads (tables, counters, bunk beds and boat docks)
1 fall down the stairs (Hailey)
1 black eye (Grandpa when Anthonys head smacked into his after submarineing the Seadoo)
1 scraped nose
8 stubbed toes
2 virisus (Anthony and Makenna have a chest cold)
6 mild sun burns
1 major back pop
1 twisted knee
1 sliced leg (Me when a knife flipped off the counter)
12 mysterious and not so mysterious bruises
Innumerable sore muscles – ones we didn’t even know we had!

Every bump, bruse and bonk was totally worth it for an amazing vacation!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My happy place

There are several places in this world I consider my happy place. My first and foremost is my head on Brad’s chest cuddled in bed at home. There are other, less sappy ones, but I’ll just skip to the happy place I’m currently celebrating life in.

Hailey and I on a SeaDoo (I have ALWAYS wanted one of these, my whole life, I could spend every day on one and never get tired of it. - My soul smiles when I get to ride one!)

The "little" boat

The dock hammoc - blissfull nap spot

The view from the dock:

Getting ready for a mid-lake swim:

Sun princesses:

Getting ready to fly at 60+ mph (it just makes you smile!)

Anthony just before tubbing:

See, a happy soul - my step-mom:


I grew up going to the lakes in Arizona at least once a month during the summer. I forget just how bone deep my love of the water is. I feel at ease going 70mph in a boat down the lake. I feel free, utterly relaxed and jubilant (yes, jubilant!) laying in the water listing to the hum and splash of passing boats. The green tinted water is an oasis for me.

I have never been here, lake of the Ozarks, before but because of the boats, the faint smell of fishing tackle and playing in the water, I feel at home. That's not to say that this house is anything like my home. Its beyond words. Everyone has their own room and each room has its own balcony overlooking the lake. The kitchen is gourmet quality, the living room has a 3D TV and the whole back of the house is pained in crystal clear windows overlooking the lake.

We've been sleeping in (Brad and I trade off) then going out on the boat for 3 or 4 hours. We sightsee, swim and those that want to, or have the muscles to, can knee board, tube or skii. Lunch, then nap, then out onto the SeaDoo's for a few hours. Anthony is all about the big waves on the SeaDoo and the girls just giggle at the acceleration. They wait till we slow down, then yell "Vroom Vroom!" and we take off!

By the time the sun sets and we come in for dinner its around 9pm. We eat, laugh, clean up then play cards or some other game. The kids are beyond tired at that point. They bairly make it thru dinner and are at the giggly-tired stage.

Last night the girls started playing with Grandpa at the table. They were throwing cardboard coasters at each other. The video is a bit shaky because I was laughing so hard. This was about 20 min's into it but Makenna's laugh is just infectious:

We're enjoying it so much, we've decided to stay an extra day, we just cant leave. Instead of driving out Friday, we're going to try to move our hotel reservation to Saturday night and stay here Friday. My uncle will be back on Thursday and all day Friday and we're looking forward to spending more time with him.

This place is AMAZING, did I say that yet?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

On the road again

Sing it with me: On the road again, Just can’t wait to get on the road again…"

Ok, that was lame but you get the picture. We’re back on the road again. This time we’re on our way to Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri with my dad and step-mom. My dad’s cousin has a house on the lake and he’s kind enough to share it with the family. It’s about a 9 hour drive from Dad’s to the lake but add the ‘pee-pee’ and ‘butt-massage’ breaks and we’re estimating 10 hours. I hope to make it to the lake in time to make a good dinner for Uncle Dick since he’s only going to be there with us tonight. I show appreciation thru food. It’s just my thing.

We got into Dad’s about 10p local time (8p home-time) on Friday night. The girls took a bubble bath in the jacuzzi tub then all three kids played their energy out with Uncle Marc, my little brother. Well, he's 23 so not little, but still my little brother.

Had some pizza and sang Happy Birthday to Susan. Dad had made her a yummy cake that we all inhaled.

Off to sleep!

Yesterday was great. We slept in, lazed around the house a bit then everyone was off exploring and playing. Grandpa took the girls and Anthony out on the ‘baby’ boat around the pond in his back yard.

Anthony even caught his first fish of the trip! He still doesn’t like touching them so Grandpa had to help with the release. SuSu (Grandma Susan’s nick name), Hailey and I went and got our nails done, a great way to start vacation!

We ran some errands and enjoyed a cold Wendy's Frosy. On a side note, I love the Walmart’s here. They are so clean, well organized and are just huge. The ones at home are so trashy! The Texas ones are like a high end department store by comparison. I could spend hours in these ones. I almost regretted not bringing my coupon binder but then again, where would I store all my deals?

Brad got to sleep in and take a nap so he was a happy camper by 3pm.
There were games of darts in the garrage:

 and chess

As well as more trips out to the pond. Susan and Dad made dinner and I made Blueberry Buckle (cobbler) for dessert.
At the dinner table everyone was telling jokes. Anthony was trying very hard to not tell any inapproperate ones since he knew we were at the table. Hailey however, tnot understanding the etiquette, yet old this joke:

“There was this animal who got a box, pee’d in it”….

*giggle, giggle*

“Then pooped in it”….

*giggle, giggle*

“Then wrapped it up like a present”…

*giggle, giggle*

Us: “And who was the present for?”

Hailey: *giggle, giggle* “Santa!!!”

 *giggle, giggle, giggle, giggle, giggle*

She then looked at us so expectantly that we all burst into laughter. That of course opened the flood gate for the fart jokes. Needless to say, Susan and I cleared the table.
My brothers birthday is this upcoming week and since he wasn’t going on to the lake with us we celebrated last night. I made a blueberry buckle at his request.  

Despite our intentions to stay up and play some poker with my brother, we were all pretty tired so after dessert we headed to bed. Anthony and Uncle Marc headed upstairs and apparently were up until 1 playing a board game, farting, laughing and in general being boys! Needless to say, they had a great time!

We were up bright and early this morning and actually made it out of the house right on track. We woke the girls up last since they had a bit of a rough night. Strange place, new bed, shared covers, etc. When I went in to get them up I said: “Good Morning girls! Ready to go to the lake?” Hailey jumped right up and was excited to get going. Makenna on the other hand, sat up, looked around, looked at me and said: “No Thanks” and proceeded to lay back down and pull the covers over her head. She takes after her mother. She was fine after some cuddle time with Mommy.

We’re currently 2 hrs into our drive and just entered into Oklahoma. Kenna has already learned the logo for the Loves Truck Stops and asks “this, this, this” whenever we pass one. So far, we’ve only been asked once “are we there yet?” Then again, Anthony is in the car with Grandpa and SuSu so by comparison, my count isn’t exactly accurate. J

Friday, July 22, 2011

Are we there yet?

Today’s been long and we’re not even to our destination yet.

Years ago, trips of long past, Brad and I would have deep, insightful, thought provoking conversations and listen to great books on tape. This trip, because of a certain now socially aware 10 year old and demanding 2 and 4 year old, we haven’t been able to have hardly any conversations and the closest we’ve gotten to a book on tape is a 30 min. podcast that bored the kids into a small nap.

Are we there yet?

So far we’ve played musical seats three times, watched two movies, sang songs and had more lollie pops than are normally allowed in a week. We’ve played the alphabet game (you know, compete against each other to find the letters of the alphabet on signs or objects outside of your car), stopped for “pee-pee!” five times and thus far only had one parental melt down. (Not me – ok, yea, totally me)

Are we there yet?

We’ve sang “Joe the Toad.” Don’t know that one?

Oh Joe the Toad

Oh Joe the Toad

Oh Joe the Toad why were you laying in the road

You did not see our car ahead, now you’re squished, flat and dead

Oh Joe the Toad

Oh Joe the Toad….

(you didn’t see….the microwave close, now your brains will explode)

(you didn’t see….the cow ahead, now your manure is your new bed)

Are we there yet?

I’ve massaged booties that brought kids to tears because they fell asleep. (The booties, not the kids.)  I’ve had to de-gunk the ipad, gpad and lap tops from various sticky fingers and misplaced sneezes. We’ve discussed the differences, at length, between the blue travel pillow and the black one. No one wants the black pillow.

Are we there yet?

We’ve sang ABC’s, Twinkle, Twinkle, little star, Itsy Bitsy Spider…..

Oh, then this afternoon we picked up a hitch hiker. Actually, at first it was 3 or 4, I lost count. We opened all the windows while traveling 80 mph and all but one flew out. He’s been named Fido. Fido the fly. He is currently playing hide and seek with Hailey. She is thoroughly entertained with him. However, when Fido tries to land on Makenna, she freaks and attempts to break glass with her high pitched screech.

Are we there yet?

Hailey refuses to believe the smears on the big window are bugs, she thinks I’m teasing her.

I’ve fought with the GPS, and won. We’ve shut it down so many times because the little “bing-bong’s” and various other noises were grating on our nerves when combined with the noises of the above mentioned activities.

We’ve talked to the nice On Star lady once who basically told us to stop putting cheap gas in our car. We’ve lost shoes, drinks, snack bags, chargers and internet connection.

The most entertaining thing for the girls so far, aside from Fido, has been the box of plastic silverware. They’ve decided that the spoons make great eye glasses and the knives make funny sounds when you run the teeth of two of them against each other. I’m so glad I busted hump to make individual entertainment baggies for them.

Are we there yet?


Thursday, July 21, 2011

I need a vacation

I need a vacation from my vacation planning!
This blog could have been titled “How to pack – OCD style” but I decided to just stick with “I need a vacation.” Although, Brad just recommended “I need a vacation – or a hole in the head!”

That works too.

I got in the habit last year of doing a binder to organize everything for big vacations. Starting, usually, three or four weeks ahead of the vacation I start keeping a scrap piece of paper next to my bed and in the car. I wake up in the middle of the night and jot down things I don’t want to forget to pack later. I also for some reason think a lot when I’m driving (probably because that’s the only time I’m still) so I tend to jot things down at stop lights too. (My car also has this mega cool record function that allows me to record myself for later play back so I can just click the button while driving and verbalize the lists in my head for later transcription once at a safe stop.) I then take those notes, compile them into a running list up until the week before the vacation. Then I rewrite, organize the list into sections, (OCD remember?) and separate categories. My binder has tabs for: To Pack, To buy, To Do, Don’t forget and Map and Directions. I hole-punch each ‘draft’ of my individual lists and keep them just in case. Oh, I also use different colored pens for each person.

Yea, I’m not well.

That doesn’t even include the packing part yet. I pack bags for everyone then a separate bag for the hotels so we don’t have to pull out all the suitcases. I have a small Rubbermaid box full of entertainment for the girls. There are individually bagged coloring pages with a few crayons, bags of beads with pipe cleaners, make your own necklace kits and other individual activities each bagged and tagged per girl. Anthony gets his own backpack full of his activities.  I filled a tote with zip lock baggies, per person, of easily accessible snacks such as cereal, carrots, celery, graham crackers and trail mix that was mixed to each person’s individual preference. I bought Ziplocs that have Disney Princesses (Makenna), Tinkerbell (Hailey) and Go Diego Go (Anthony – though under protest since we couldn’t find a more masculine or grown up character baggie) and then used regular bags with our names on it for Brad and I. In any given tote, ice chest or box you can find each person’s personalized item identified by the character on the bag.

Then (yes, it gets worse) I packed one of those under-the-bed Rubbermaid’s full of snacks and activities specifically for our drive home. I hate it when everything gets used up, smashed or broken on the trip to our destination. Plus, for this vacation specifically, our drive home is the longest so I wanted the kids to have ‘new’ exciting things to play with. One of my friends also gave us 2 leapsteer portable gaming systems and 10 games that her kids have outgrown.  Those are hidden away in the ‘way-home-box’ too.

This last week, when not prepping any of the above things, I have been catching up on all our laundry (a huge task that was helped along by a fairly-grandmother) and cleaning like a mad woman. (As if the previous activities were sane.) Yesterday and today specifically, all the dishes are done and put away, all the laundry is folded and packed or put away. The trashes are all out, the toilets and showers scrubbed, the floors vacuumed and mopped. The linens are all clean and beds were made this morning. (And God forbid our house sitter see a dirty baseboard! The shame!) I hate coming home to a dirty house because then when we get home the car vomits into the house and it becomes a compounding mess. Since I’m the one who has to spend the next week cleaning, that defeats the relaxation of the vacation.

See, its all for a purpose.

Its how I relax.

Sort of.

In a twisted, slightly insane way. 

I clean, organize and mega list so I can relax.  Yea, that’s why I do it. J

I really am insane!

Here’s to hoping I can actually relax this week! *Fingers crossed*

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Coupons: tips, tricks and getting started

I've been coupon shopping for almost two years now. I'm not always as diligent as I should be but I always regret paying full price for something.

Here is a list of tips, tricks and websites I've put together to help get started with coupons.

You’ll have to decide how far you want to get into this… I warn you it can be addicting.

There are five different types of coupons to clip (no matter where you get your coupons they are all considered ‘clipped’):
1) Newspaper coupons – the ones delivered to your home sometimes have more/better ones than the ones you purchase in the store but either one is worth getting every Sunday.
2) Manufacture site coupons – any name brand things I like I sign up on the manufacture site or parent companies site (i.e. I’m loyal to Kraft Mac&Cheese only so I signed up on the Kraft website)
3) Coupon generating websites – these typically duplicate most of the newspaper ones and limit your printing to 2-3 per specific coupon
4) “Peelies” or in-store coupons. These are the ones that come from inside packages, stuck to the outside or off the printers in the grocery store isles.
5) E-coupons are ones that you upload directly to your shoppers value cards

There are three main coupon-clipper-types:
1) Clip only for what you know you will use, only products you already purchase (avg. savings = 10-15%)
2) Clip all coupons from #1 and add in any high value coupon from products you’re willing to try or substitute (avg. savings = 25-35%)
3) Clip all #1, #2 and add in any additional coupons for “stock” items; i.e. Toothpaste, TP and Health/Beauty products (avg. savings can be 50-75% however your main spending budget may be a bit inflated since you’re buying more products overall)

There are also three ways to “spend” your coupons:
1) Spend them only at your regular grocery store
2) Spend them at your regular grocery store and local MegaMart (Kmart, Walmart, Target)
3) Review all the ads and spend your coupons where you get the most bang for your buck (drugstores, megamarts, multiple grocery stores)

I typically clip almost all coupons and prep for spending #3 but usually only end up at 2 stores. I know I could maximize my spending if I went to multiple stores but with 3 kids (2 under 3) its enough of a PIA to go to one store let alone 5-6! I usually review the ads from my local stores, mainly my favorite grocery store and make up a list with my coupons in mind. I put a mark next to items on my grocery list that match up with coupons I’ve clipped and then make a separate list of extra items I can get for a really good deal if I have left over money. I also follow a few coupon-mom blogs that do much of the work for me.

Points of interest:
* Keeping a calculator with you is very important. Many name brand sales combined with coupons are still more expensive than the store brands. Watching the per-oz or per-unit price is important for the most budget friendly shopping.

* Knowing your stores coupon policy is important incase you run into any issues. I keep a printed copy of the coupon policy from the MegaMarts since the clerks tend to not know the rules when it comes to doubling, stacking, price matching.

* Most Drugstores and some MegaMarts will let you ‘Stack’ manufacture coupons with their store specific coupons. (i.e. If you print a Target coupon for $.75 off PopTarts and a Manufacture coupon for $1 off you can use both at Target and receive $1.75 off a box.)

*Kroger, Safeway and some Bashas couputers do not stop you from stacking an e-coupon with a paper coupon. (i.e, if you uploaded a coupon for $.50 off of Tide and have a paper coupon for $.75 off it will allow you to use both)

* Some of the printed coupons specifically say on them DO NOT DOUBLE, most stores do not abide by these rules when they are having a coupon special. I always calculate my pre-shopping savings with out the double discount just to be sure. If by chance the computer does double them then I just consider it a bonus.

* On the websites that ask for a zip code to generate offers specific to your area be sure to try other zipcodes after you have looked through your own. I often use 90210, 75648 and 63241. No real reason why I use those, but they are the ones I know and have had good luck with.

* Some of the websites I list will ask to create a log in and will ask you install a coupon printer to your computer. All the sites I’m listing are approved by my tech-geek husband. The downloads are to prevent you from printing multiple or over your limit to the coupons.

* The subscription websites require you to sign up and they will send you emails, they can be a bit of a PIA but can also give some great coupons and recipes!

* The first of the month is the best for printing coupons. They can run out quickly and only offer so many coupons per month. Also, the first Sunday of the month has the best coupon inserts. I typically purchase 2-3 papers then.

* Now this last one may be a bit debatable – I think that typically, you get the most bang for your buck by using your coupon closest to the expiration date. I have noticed that the stores usually have a sale to match the coupons for the first week, then in the last week of the coupon they put out an even better sale!

Finally, here are the websites I use:
- this site is great because not only can you look through multiple zip codes but you can also click on “Local Grocery Deals” and it will generate a complete list of all your local grocery store ads for you to look at and click on to create a shopping list by store. Often if I have a busy week and don’t have time for much, this is the one site I’ll hit.

Subscription websites:
-This one helps you save for your childrens college fund, pay off your own college debt or help someone else pay off theirs. I set this one up for my kids and had all the grandparents do the same so their savings go towards my kids college fund.

E-coupon websites

Store coupons:

Soon I'll show how I keep my coupons organized.

Do you use coupons? Do you love it or do it only out of saving obligations?

Friday, July 15, 2011


There are a ton of ‘Anonymous’ organizations out there:
Overeaters (No comment)
Emotions (Although I’m thinking just about anyone can walk into this one)
Debtors (I could be a part of this one..if I had any money)
Social Phobics
Mother-in-Law (I didn’t make that up – you can Google it)
Shopaholics (Again…Money required)

I’ve come up with my own: Over Doers Anonymous

I always get myself in such a mess volunteering and offering to help. I always end up over doing it. This week alone I’ve:
Joined the gym and gone every day
Hosted ‘summer camp’ (as deemed by my 2 nieces and nephew that stayed with me this week)
Gone 3 nights from 6-11 to someone else’s house to finish my embroidery job
Baked 216 cookies, 24 mini monkey breads, 36 cake cones and 2 cheese cakes
Made homemade meals for my family, the camp kids and the lady that was helping with my embroidery
Gone swimming 4 times

All of that plus ‘regular life’ activities like laundry and dishes. The worst part is I’m sitting here in bed at 10 at night twitching because I feel like I should be up doing more. I still have to make the chocolate logos for tomorrow’s party, iron the 80 shirts I embroidered, and there’s a load of laundry that needs to be folded before it wrinkles. I also still need to re-do my packing list because I thought of a more efficient order for it. I want to pick out a few books for reading on the trip. I need to make lists for the kids 12 (one per kid, per day in the car) travel packs.

See: ODA

The problem with an actual ODA group? I’d probably volunteer to be chairperson, bake goodies for each meeting and offer to host at my house. Ugh!

Anyone else want, or should I say, need, to join?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

...and the winner is....

Sara! "I want a set!!! They are so cute!!!"

Congratulations Sara! Email me at Jen at The uwood clan dot com (no spaces) and be sure to include what color you want the underside to be.

Didn't win? Still want a set? Email me at the above address if you would like to purchase a set. (Hey, a girl's gotta fuel her Starbucks habbit somehow!)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekend update and Olivia themed Birthday Party

This weekend was jam packed! Friday the girls and I spent the day at Missy’s house making the most divine desert for Hailey’s party on Saturday. We made Oreo Truffles from Bakerella. Yum! No, Yum x 10! Seriously, try these, they were heavenly!

Saturday was Hailey’s 4th birthday party. We usually only have family since even that can get a bit large but we try to still make it very special. The kids always get to pick the theme for their party. We’ve done Mickey Mouse, Ben 10, Tinker Bell, Princess, Word World and this year, Hailey wanted an Olivia themed party. You know, Olivia, the pig from Nick Jr? The colors were red, black and white. (So elegant for a 4 year old!) The invitations asked that everyone wear red, Olivia’s favorite color, and be prepared to share a “rule of life.” Olivia always has rules that she makes up so I thought it would be fun to have everyone write a rule on one of the chalk board place mats, then photograph the author with the rule of life.

It was a cute way to digitally scrapbook the event without a lot of clutter.  We planned on swimming but the beautiful desert monsoons kept threatening us with storms so we could only dip in to cool off for a few min.’s then we had to get back out. I picked up a clearance craft kit from Target and the kids table was decorated with Little People animals so there was enough to keep the kids entertained.

 We served “Olivia’s in a blanket” (get it, Pigs in a blanket!) and a pasta chicken salad. There was also red ranch dip and veggies with red punch to drink. Dessert was a white cake with lemon filling (per Hailey's request) and the oreo truffels.

I asked Hailey when we got home what she thought of her party, she raised her head, closed her eyes and breathlessly proclaimed: “Beautiful, just beautiful!”

I love that kid!

This week is another busy week for us. (To be fair, I’m not really sure when it’s not a busy week.) My niece and nephew are staying with us this week. I love having them here, not only do I get to spend quality time with them but it mixes up the routine for my kids and they just adore their cousins. Plus, Abby is super helpful with everything. I suddenly have an extra pair of hands for everything, laundry, dishes, cooking and baking.

I volunteered (yes, I know, I’m a glutton for punishment) to bake the deserts for Brad’s company party on Saturday. There are going to be about 80 people there, kids included so I have a full range of desserts. I’m making:

Ice cream cake cones
Sugar, Oatmeal and Chocolate Chunk cookies
2 cheese cakes
Mini-monkey breads
Chocolate covered pretzels

Missy, my Aunt, and I already did all the pretzels (fantastic!) so tomorrow the girls and I are going to start the cookies. I’ll do the Monkey bread and cheese cakes on Thursday and the cake cones on Friday.

I am also still working on the embroidery project of polo shirts for Brad’s work. My machine has been in and out of the shop twice now and it’s been determined that it’s just not cut out for this type of embroidery. (I knew that but it helps to have a professional opinion!) However, because the people at the local repair shop I go to are so incredibly awesome they hooked me up with one of the employees who has a professional machine. She is letting me come over a few nights this week to finish up the shirts so I can still earn the income for our vacation. How great is that! Plus her machine is 10x faster than mine so I’ll be done before we go.

We are also in vacation count down mode here. We leave a week from this Thursday. I still have to finalize my list (I only have draft 1 & 2 – OCD remember?) and I need to start a list of house cleaning that needs to be done before the house sitter comes here. Vacation is one of those things that is so stressful for me. I spend weeks and weeks prepping for it, relax for a week then spend weeks and weeks recovering from it. However, that one week of relaxing is totally worth it. (I think.)

Tomorrow I’ll announce the winner for the Place Mats and its also Hailey’s actual Birthday so we’ll be having a special dinner.

Ugh, it’s only Monday and I’m already exhausted!   

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Oh Bother!

Why is it that kids don't hear you when you tell them something directly, but speak something not intended for their ears and they pick right up on it? Or how about when you demonstrate proper behavior? Nah, to a kid, it's so much easier to pay attention to bad behavior!

We were at the Children's Museum the other day and they had a circus act performing live. We picked a perch in the front row and waited to be entertained. Makenna loved it, she was the clowns biggest fan, jumping up and down clapping, laughing and even picking up their purposely dropped juggling toys. Hailey was less than thrilled and mostly just watched with a passive expression. Anthony decided after a bit that it was too embarrassing to stay for the whole thing.

I on the other hand, watch in horror! No, not just because they were playing with balloons, which I'm terrified of. (Anthony was kind enough to scoot close to me, plug my ears and rest his head on my shoulder to comfort me. I love that kid!) I was appalled at the clowns behavior. One clown played the 'doof' and was constantly messing up on purpose to get a laugh. Ok, fine, that I guess is O.K. However, the other clown was Mr. Boss Man and would get exasperated at Doof and punish him by scolding him and pretending to slap him across the face, kick him in the butt or just chase after him with a raised hand. They also did a 'bit' about hydration. A.K.A. Water. Mr. Boss Man filled his mouth with a water bottle he pretended to randomly find and proceeded to spit it out like a sprinkler onto the carpeted floor. (!!!) Doof then took a swig and tried to do the same but some how messed it up. Mr. Boss Man then spit his second mouth full right onto Doof's face. (Bleh!) Mr. Boss Man then, presumably, filled his chipmunk cheeks with water and selected a guest from the audience. He removed the guests hat and glasses, positioned the guest right in front of himself and....Poof! Spit a mouth full of air onto the guests face. Hahaha, oh so funny to pretend to spit on someone's face.

Oh Bother!

Remind me again why I thought the Children's Museum would be an educational fun place to take my kids?

(Before you think I'm just a total prude, I'm not opposed to the circus or clowns per say. This was just the wrong time in my impressionable kids lives to sit front row in an act designed to be funny that demonstrated the exact behaviors they are not allowed to replicate.)

As another example of kids hearing things not directed at them: I was highly frustrated the other day with my embroidery machine and the stupid shirts I'm working on. This is not a new thing of course, I HATE embroidering these shirts, its a well known fact. However, I keep doing them because I have a serious problem with saying "No" and the money is hard to turn away. Anyways, I was being inappropriate and cursing the darn machine, shirts, thread, digitized file, air that moved around me, you name it. I yelled "F'ing stupid machine! I give up!" Hailey then came over from her engaging T.V. show and in the sweetest most innocent voice asked me:

"Mom, what is F'ing?"

Oh bother! "Umm, never mind Hailey."

"Can little girls say F'ing?"

"No, no they can't."

"Only mommies can say F'ing?"

"Well, uh, yea."

"Why did you say F'ing?"

"Hailey, stop saying F'ing."

Then, later that same day, in another fit of inappropriate behavior, I said: "Son of a *itch!" Yes, the full word, no asterix involved. (What can I say, I'm not perfect and I HATE these shirts!) Of course, little ears that tune me out on a regular basis, perked up and an oh so innocent, slightly skewed 2 year old voice said:

"Itch? Itch? Itch, momma?"

Oh bother! "It's ok Kenna, never mind."

"Itch! Itch! Itch! Itch!"

"Kenna, stop please."

"Itch! Itch! Itch! Itch!"

Brad: "Jen, what is she saying?"

"Um, she has an itch?"

Brad: "Yea...I don't think that's it."

I still just don't understand how they heard me. I can be right in front of them and ask a question 3 times before I even get a "huh?" response.

Needless to say, can you guess what's been happening around my house since these incidents?

Model behavior?


They've been spitting water at each other (on my carpet), kicking each other (when one bends over) and hitting each others faces when they're upset. Add on top of that "F'ing" and "Itch" and my kids are no longer fit for going out in public.

*Hanging my head in shame*