Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Done! With clutter

I’m so done with my house right now!

I’ve been in survival mode for the last 6 weeks or so and my house defiantly shows it. Well, maybe not defiantly, no one else seems to notice but I can feel the clutter and hidden dirt encroaching on me in the middle of the night. It scurries around me like cockroaches!

(Nice imagery huh! Wana come over and hang out here?)

Thus far I have deconstructed my entire kitchen: Cabinet by cabinet, drawer by drawer getting rid of crap I don’t have to have or need to use. I got new plates for Christmas so I’ve gotten rid of every plate, saucer, bowl or platter from all other sets. I’ve gone thru all my glassware and either gotten rid of all the excess or moved them into a “party” box in the garage. I had a million wine glasses, I swear, a million! I did every dirty dish, washed everything by hand that didn’t fit in the dishwasher then paired up every Tupperware with a matching lid. If I couldn’t find the lid, I tossed it! Done! Then, I got up onto my counters and scrubbed the top of my cabinets with industrial strength cleaner (TSP-ph Ever heard of it? Magic! I’m telling you, I could write my own infomercial about this stuff, I love it!) It took me 2 ½ hours to clean the top of the cabinets. There was 6 years of kitchen dust acuminated up there. (Don’t judge - I’d run the extension duster up there every now and then but its that kitchen dust, the kind that’s ½ dust, ½ grease so it just stuck and piled up.)

Now, even though it’s taken me almost two days in rubber gloves, using every ounce of elbow grease I possess, you can’t see a visible difference. I know it’s better though. I know it’s actually clean vs. just looking clean at first glance.  I essentially killed half of the clutter-roaches just by cleaning out my kitchen. Next, my desk/office/crafting area’s getting blown up. Then the kids rooms, then the linen and coat closet then the garage. I can’t stand it any more! (I’ve mentioned before that I’m a bit neurotic right? This isn’t something new, right?)

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