Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving this year was great, well, they all are, but this year was one of the better ones. We were determined to not spend the entire day in the kitchen cooking and cleaning. We, the girls, never seem to get to enjoy the holidays as a relaxing day with family, its usually a day in the kitchen up to our elbows in pots and pans. This year, instead, we gathered on Wednesday and prepared and cooked everything in advance.

Everything was perfect! All we had to do Thursday was reheat, cook what was already prepared or set things up. We got to enjoy the day relaxing, playing together and eating great food!

Us gals all made matching Thanksgiving shirts to wear. The theme was trees made of buttons. I think they turned out cute!

Our best friends, Sasha and Bill and their beautiful girls joined us this year 

My clan:

Go back up and look at the picture of all of us girls, look closely at the picture. Do you see it? The can of Ready Whip next to my mom's chair? It was bribery at its finest. The little kids were not exactly ready to sit and take pictures, they had full bellies and wanted to run away playing, so, we bribed them. One smiling picture equals a squirt of whipped cream. The little ones were all too fast for us to catch with the camera but we got two cute pictures of our big kids:

 Our 4 turkeys. Yes, 4 turkeys, we wanted to make sure we had enough leftovers. Trust me, we had more than enough! One turkey was buried in a fire pit for 24 hours, one was smoked over wine soaked mesquite, one was deep fried and one was baked traditionally in the oven. The pit turkey looked almost sick - it was falling apart completely and had no 'color' to it from cooking because it had no direct heat, but, it was my favorite. It was so jucy! Its the sick looking one on the far left.  

 The wine smoked one looked the best, it's the prize turkey. Isn't it pretty!

Anthony made napkin origami for the table setting, I think they turned out great. He was so proud.
 This was the first year ever that we've had a kids table. When I was growing up we always had a kids table. My brothers, my cousins and I were always at the kids table. It was a huge deal to get to sit with the adults, that was until we realized that the best table was the kids table. It's way more fun!

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