Thursday, March 15, 2012

Taste the Rainbow!

I just love St. Patrick's day. It's one of my favorite holidays for the kids. Last year the leprechauns did their usual havoc: magically turning the milk green in the cereal bowls, green pee in the toilet, upturned furniture and they left green and gold treats. The best part last year was when the leprechauns magically turned the cookies green right before our eyes. (You can check out the video and green cereal milk trick here)
This year, I'm sure will be just as fun. Although, for the first time ever, Anthony won't be home. He has a camping trip with Brad. It makes me sad but he's already talking about the mischief the leprechauns are going to cause when he gets home, as revenge. (For the record, he's right,I have so much planned! I have to capitalize on every year he still believes.)

Today the girls (my niece Alana included) made rainbow cookies. I'll admit, I'm usually one to say "It's easy!" "Oh, they were no big deal to make!" These, on the other hand, were a lot of work for simple cookies!

2 pkgs Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix
2 eggs
2 sticks butter
1/2 cup flour
Gel food colorings

Mix the cookie mix according to the package. Using a scale, divide the dough into 6 equal portions. Place each portion in a zip top bag and add a tsp of the food coloring to each bag. Remember, purple is red and blue, orange is yellow and red. The zip top bag lets you mix in the food coloring with out staining your hands.

Now comes the tedious part.

Place one color on a piece of parchment paper and roll out to a 9x5 rectangle. Place onto a cookie sheet, including the parchment. On a new sheet, roll out the next color and once into the appropriate size, stack it, parchment included onto the previous color. Roll out all 6 colors the same way. When you're done you'll have a stack of: parchment, dough, parchment, dough, etc..

Place in the freezer for 20-30 min's.

Remove and onto a new sheet of parchment, start assembling your rainbow. Purple, blue, green, yellow, orange then red.

Using a sharp knife, trim the edges so you have straight edges. Then, decide how large you want your cookies and slice long ways, then short ways into cookies.

Place back into the freezer for another 10 min's then into a 375 degree oven for 8 min's. Switching racks at 4 min's. The extra freeze time helps reduce spreading.

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