Monday, March 12, 2012

First day

Today was the girls first time at “school.”
I enrolled them into a daycare/preschool for every Monday while I go into work. They will just be going on Mondays for the first half of the day but it’s a good experience for them. Hailey has wanted to go to school for over a year now. She’s was so upset when she heard Sara, my niece, was going to school. Hailey cried! “Mom, why does Sara get to go to school, I’m OLDER than her!” So, Friday, when I took them to Sara’s school to enroll they both were thrilled! Hailey kept telling everyone all weekend that she was “Finally old enough for preschool!”

They did great today. Kenna and Sara are in the same class and Hailey is in the 4-5’s. At first I was a bit worried about Hailey being separated from the girls and I asked that she be allowed to stay with the younger class for a bit to get used to it if she needed to. The teacher said though that when it was time to separate, Hailey was fine going to her “big girl class.”

Last night, despite telling everyone in the store all day Sunday about going to school, Hailey had a total melt down. She was crying for over 2 hours before we could get her calmed down. She started out by asking me:

“Mom, can I get up early tomorrow so you can teach me my letters and numbers?” I told her that she wasn’t expected to know them before she went to preschool, that’s what preschool was for, to help her learn. I think she understood that, but it was just a gateway for her tears. She started  crying and crying saying she was going to miss us too much, she didn’t want to go. She kept repeating over and over that she just wanted to stay home with her family. We tried everything from 4 year old logic to reasoning with her, eventually, watching Phineas and Ferb while cuddled in our bed with us did the trick. She woke up the next morning back to her chipper excited self.

Poor girl was plagued by the night time-worries just like us adults get. Lights go off, brain goes on. At least, in my case that’s true. Maybe she’s just a victim of genetics. Regardless, she survived to tell the tale and is, for now, super excited to go back next Monday.

I was supposed to go to Phoenix this week but fortunately (and a bit unfortunately – I was kind of looking forward to housekeeping service) that’s been canceled so, we’ll spend this week getting ready for those naughty Leprechauns! We are going to make a trap to try and catch one, and we have a few other crafts we’re going to do this week. I love St Patrick’s Day! It’s so much fun for the kids.

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