Monday, September 26, 2011


Phew! It’s been a whirl wind around here the last 5 days. Wednesday was BUNCO! My grandma hosted this time so most of the beginning of the week was spent at her house cleaning and setting up. The entire time we’re cleaning, painting over spots on the wall, re-arranging and basically exhausting ourselves we’re cursing at each other for getting this worked up over guests. Not even guests, family! It’s the same as I talked about before (the desire to be perfect) and even though we recognize it we can’t help ourselves. The bennifit? My G-ma has beautifully clean, organized and well manicured house for the next month or so. My house is next month and I can’t wait. It’s a Halloween themed BUNCO and I absolutely love decorating my house for Halloween, its my favorite!

The rest of the weekend was spent shopping on Craigslist and yard sales. We bought three dining room tables plus chairs, one sectional sofa, two rugs and three sets of bunk beds! Sadly, the partridge didn’t make with the pear tree. Everything was bought for a steal and we’re reselling almost all of it for double or more. The bunk beds were my favorite find. The guy had three sets (for each of his three daughters) plus each set came with another twin bed. So in total it was 9 solid wood beds. I kept one set to replace the girls old set (that I sold) and am selling the other two plus each individual single bed. Here’s a picture:

The other favorite was a Copenhagen table with 8 chairs. It’s perfect for someone’s Thanksgiving dinner. It’s really hard to not buy for ourselves when we’re looking. There are so many cute things! I did get a rug for my living room (courtesy of my G-ma, she bought it as a birthday present for me – which my birthday isn’t until November but we couldn’t turn down the good deal!) otherwise the rest is for resale.

My new rug (with the sofa I've sold but not moved out yet):

We’re having a bit of a storage issue but hopefully things will sell with in the next week or so. Tomorrow is our first Storage Unit Auction. I am so excited for it! Not sure if we’ll bid or just observe but I’ve been reading up on pointers all day! My only worry is where in the heck we’re going to store let alone stage things if we do buy. Staging items is half the sale. We have to make the items look appealing or they won't go for our asking price. Think about it, would you rather buy the sofa pictured above or the same sofa pictured in a stuffed garage upside down with boxes all around it? Plus you have to have a clean house when someone comes to view the item. Maybe some baking bread or cookies in the oven.

All of this on top of regular life: school, cooking, cleaning, crafting, reading stories, playing and sleeping at some point.


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