Thursday, March 17, 2011

Those naughty leprechauns!

Well, the leprechauns got my kids again. They woke up to a messy house littered with green streamers, green napkins, green toilet water and once again we got tricked with green milk!


St.Patricks Day is Anthony's favorite holiday aside from Christmas. It started at my mom's house years ago and has grown thru the years. I get up in the middle of the night and over turn chairs move things into odd or wrong places and "litter" the house with green things. I also put green food coloring in the toilet and claim that it's leprechaun pee. (Remember, he's a 10 year old boy – body functions are funny and green pee is hilarious!)

The best is the milk though. We use to color the whole gallon of milk green but it gross me out to have a green latte in the morning (and for the few days after) so instead my step-dad came up with the best idea. Now, the night before I set out a bowl of dry cereal for the kids with what ever trinkets are from the leprechauns, this year it was balloons. In the bottom of the bowl I put a few drops of food coloring before I add the cereal that way when Anthony pours in the white milk, it "magically" turns green in the bowl. It amazes him every year!

This afternoon as a reward for Anthony helping around the house on his short day of school I told him we could make cookies. Darn if those leprechauns didn't get to those too - (Sorry it's in two parts, my camera got too full so I had to delete some pictures before I could record more)

I got the random idea today that if I took a cold stick of butter cut it in half and scooped out a small bit in the center, I could fill it with a few drops of green food coloring then put it back together and smooth over the cut marks. Worked like a charm!


  1. You do realize that not only am I addicted to reading your blog but Alana is too, everyday as a matter of fact!! The other night she yells...."I knew it" "Jen is the Leprechans!" I may have blown the tooth fairy, but you blew the leprechans.....LOL ;)

  2. Oops! But then again it's your fault for signing her up as a follower so, it's still you. Lol!
    Besides, how does a child know about the tooth fairy and not get that leprechauns are mom and dad too?!?!
