Friday, July 27, 2012

That kinda kid

You know that old adage about curious kids, something along the lines of 'let 'em touch the hot stove, they'll only do it once!' Kenna is one of those kids! Not, of course that I'd ever actually advocate letting her or any other kid burn themselves but still. I can almost guarantee she will.

Lately, she has been insistent on walking in the grocery store vs. sitting in the cart. Normally, I'm of the mind set: if they fit in the cart they ride in the cart. Heck, if Anthony still went to the grocery store with me I'd try to put him in the cart! He's always getting distracted and wandering off! Anyways, Hailey, my rule abiding child, has been walking beside me for about 6 months now and Makenna has been begging to do the same. Needless to say, Makenna is NOT a rule abiding child and each adventure has ended in tears. Usually because I demand, after chasing her down, that she sit in the cart.

Yesterday, however, I must have been low on caffein and decided to grant her doe-eyed, ever so polite: "Please, can I 'alk like a gig girl, mom, please?" So, into Joann's we walked, me pushing an empty cart, two rule abiding big girls in tow.

Maybe you can see this coming, I didn't. Not really at least. I figured she'd wonder off but, like usual, I guess I figured I'd chase her down. Nope, not this day. This was the day that while I was waiting in line for a minor 1/2 yard fabric cut, Makenna wondered the other side of the store.

I started hollering her name, impatient tone in my voice, looking up and down the isles around me. Soon my voice morphed into mildly panic stricken: "MAKENNA!" Still, no response, no galloping foot steps charging my way.


Far off in the distance, I hear it: the desperate cry of a lost baby.

Ok, a bit dramatic, I know, but still, she was on the complete opposite side of the store in complete melt down mode. Tears and snot flowing down her face.

After our epic reunion, (her, not me of course) she did the darnedest thing: she morphed into a shadow. Anywhere I went, she was right behind. She never left my side!

Despite the tears (and snot), I'm gonna say it was totally worth it! She learned her lesson and even today while at the grocery store, she stayed right by my side.

The good news is, she's shown capability to learn these type of lessons. The bad news is I fear we'll both have to learn to endure the many trials ahead before learning each lesson!

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