Wednesday, December 7, 2011


This is the longest break Ive taken from the blog since I started it a year ago. I have a million topics I could post, so many things happen all the time around here. The issue is time! I have no time! We’re making 99% of all our Christmas gifts for our family and friends this year so every day I’m sewing, wood working, baking, or doing some other craft. I would love to post more about the projects I’m doing but since all of my family reads this blog, I don’t want to give away what the gifts are. I do have some other things that I’ll post here soon if anyone is wanting to make gifts for their family and friends.

This week is Makenna’s birthday. Some how, she’s only turning 3. I swear she’s older but according to her birth certificate, she’s only turning 3. We’re having a Sponge Bob Square Pants party for her on Saturday and despite my general haterd of the place, we’re having the party at Peter Piper Pizza. I usually host all the kids parties at home or at my parents house but it’s suppose to rain this weekend and neither house is really great for an all indoor party. So, PPP it is.

Anthony’s birthday is next week, he’ll be turning 11. The party for Makenna is also his “family party” but then he’s having a bowling party with some of his guy friends. He’s in that awkward stage where a kids party isn’t really what he wants but he’s too young for “hanging-out.” He would prefer a sleep over full of Star Wars movies, popcorn and too much sugar but a few of his closest friends aren’t allowed to do sleepovers so that’s out.

When I started this blog I forgot about December, I forgot how absolutely busy this month is. Two of my three kids have birthdays, we have Santa visits, Christmas light tours, gift making, gift exchange parties, school parties, band concerts, class parties, out of town visitors and Christmas itself with all the cooking, baking, shopping, wrapping and decorating. I love it but its so overwhelming some times. So, sorry for absence in writing. One of these nights when I can’t sleep, I’ll finish some of the ½ written posts I have archived. J

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